Sunday, 15 October 2023

Garden Affair : Insulin plant

                          Insulin plant aka Costus igneus is a perennial plant that is believed to be useful for the diabetic person as there has been research done that it can help in decreasing sugar level in body when leaves are consumed for a  specific time period . 


The flowers of insulin plant are very attractive and comes in tubular shape . The flowers appear upon the crown of leaves . They bloom in the morning and fades away till the end of day. 

Insulin Plant care and growth                                                                                                                
Insulin plant is  an easy to grow plant that strives best in semi shade environment . It is grown in spiral manner with leaves growing all over the branch in spiral manner too .                                             

The leaves of plant are fleshy and have sour taste , they are edible and are proven for their medicinal property of bringing down the sugar level in body.                                                                          

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week . 



  1. Thank you friend for the photos and information, and for providing this garden for us all to play in. Seeing my California poppy. Aloha!

  2. This Insulin plant seems amazing for diabetes! Love the unique flowers.

  3. great info of diabetic plant....
    thank you for sharing...

  4. Oh, a very interesting flower .. fortunately I don´t need it.....and a very beautiful one.
    all the best and a good time

  5. Interesting flower. I do not know about it, but I'll check it.
    Happy WW and a fine week, Arun!


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