Monday 22 July 2024

Garden Affair : Portulaca is back

 Monsoon season  in our city has taken a back phase where we are  not seeing rains from last week as  usually Monsoon   phase is observed in a manner where we see the monsoon trough  line moving in the country and covering all the states of India. While plants are still in revival phase after experiencing worst summer of the decade , the monsoon blooms Portulaca are blooming back after being dormant for  months . 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week starting from Sunday.   


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Monday 15 July 2024

Monsoon take over the Garden

 Monsoon has been satisfactory  by far , thereby the  first fortnight is here after monsoon plunged into the city. The dry and barren land is now covered with layer of greenery. 

                    I am surprised to see color pattern change in this hibiscus with the arrival of monsoon  

The fragrance is intoxicating of Arabian Jasmine 

When buds are as good as Blossoms 

                           Lilies are back into blooms

 Water lilies adoring blooms 

Rain Lilies enchanting blossoms after downpour 

Plumeria season 

When weeds are beautiful who would have heart for  deadheading 

It was surreal experience to spot Coots and Swamphen at the same place 

Monday 8 July 2024

Garden Affair : Rain Lily season

 Monsoon has finally reached our city , the humid and wet weather has favorable effect on the growth of  plants . Rain Lilies are blissful in monsoon. Rain lilies are easy to grow through bulbs. 





 It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share  posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week . 


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Monday 1 July 2024

Garden Affair : Monsoon has arrived


                   Monsoon has finally arrived in my city. The first   heavy downpour has brought down the temperature and finally heat wave has been halted with arrival of monsoon .  


Rain Lily is blooming back after the heavy downpour 

I am excited to spot Mango fruit development after arrival of monsoon season . 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for  a week starting from Sunday.     



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Monday 24 June 2024

Garden Affair : Summer Harvest

                 Summer season is taking a backseat as Monsoon rains are about to arrive in some couple of days. While it will take some time to bring back greenery in garden which will be only possible after a good downpour . The silver lining is the spring grown veggies are all ready to harvest.                                           

                                                                                 Lady Finger   


Green Chillies




It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where everyone can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week .                                                                


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Friday 14 June 2024

Awaiting for monsoon

         The horrific  summer is at its end , if the weather report is believed we could see rains in anytime  the next two weeks. Meanwhile Texas Sage is blooming profusely in hot summer   days.                                                                              

Periwinkle plant is braving heat of summer and blooming in profusion


Portulaca is blooming after a long break and will be in full bloom after the arrival of monsoon;


Jasmine is the most summer friendly plant that blooms for the most part of summer and the fragrance of Jasmine makes it distinctive 


Bougainvillea's blooms  out for the most part of year 

In the absence of flowers this wandering Jew plant is giving colors in the dry season

This Black winged stilt was spotted foraging on the out shore of lake 

Sunday 9 June 2024

Garden Affair : Periwinkle

 Summer season is at utmost, where plants in my Garden are somehow ridden out Periwinkle is standing  out from the crowd. Periwinkle also known as Vinca is a hardy perennial that can withstand any condition  irrespective  of weather and variation in  temperature.   


Periwinkle are easy to grow plants through dispersion of seeds. They are hybridized and cultivated in to many colors but commonly found in purplish pink color and can survive extreme summers to winters.                                                                                                                                                      
Periwinkle Care and Growth

Periwinkle or Vinca is a hardy plant that can survive drought conditions, It can be easily grown from seeds. The  well drained sandy soil is best for the growth of seeds. It can also be grown through stem cuttings in monsoon season.                                                                                                                 
Periwinkle leaves and flowers have medicinal value are used in various skin diseases, to control high blood pressure and diabetes.                                                                                                                      

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week starting from Sunday.                                             

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Monday 3 June 2024

Garden Affair : World Environment Day

 The soaring temperature this summer is alarming and reflecting the soar effects of climate change . 

June 5th is considered as World Environment Day. It is considered vital  for spreading awareness and action regarding protection of Environment. It has been a platform for raising awareness regarding marine pollution, over population, global warming, sustainable development, issues related to wildlife. 


Our planet supports life to million species and is currently experiencing degradation and unprecedented climate change. We can bring changes at individual level  by small acts regarding promoting sustainable environment.                                                                                                                                            

It is to be consider here  out of the many other ways planting trees is one of the major factor that   can bring significant change to effect positive  climate change.  I have pointed out in my earlier post  on  World Environment Day  and how as an individual we can make an effort   to bring required changes in environment.                                                                                                                     

It is time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week starting from Sunday.                                       


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Monday 27 May 2024

Garden Affair : Jasmine the summer survivor

The Summer is breaking every past record with day  temperature hovering above 45 degree Celsius . The ongoing heat wave has made it difficult to step outside and much alike it is becoming tedious to protect Garden from horrendous heat wave . 

                     While it is becoming impossible with rising temperature to take care of plants in these hot  summer days,  I am glad that Jasmine varieties are continuous blooming in spite of horrendous heat wave and thereby surviving  the worst of summer . 

                                                                  Crepe Jasmine 

                                                       Crested Crepe Jasmine 

Jasminum Auriculatum

Arabian Jasmine 

Jasmine care and propagation                                                                                                                        

Jasmine plant is a hardy plant that survives drought and up to an extent severe winter and summer . They give more  blooms when hard pruning is given in spring season. This plant can be easily propagated through stem cuttings in spring and rainy season.                                                                           

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week starting from Sunday. 


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