It all started when I got to know Adenium is easy to grow from seed .I had collected seeds a year ago and store them with other seeds and forgot about it .When shuffling and searching for winter flower seeds found them within .
How to germinate Adenium seeds :
Things you'll need
- A plastic container or A plastic basket for good drainage (with lots of holes )
- Gravel or river sand ( also known as bajri locally ) available at construction sites or shops that sell construction material
- And off course the seeds (you can remove or remain the hair attached to it )
- Cover the seeds with thin layer of river sand and water generously
- Keep them in semi shade place and water in two days with sprinkler water
Adenium seeds planted in river sand
How to germinate Adenium seeds :
Things you'll need
- A plastic container or A plastic basket for good drainage (with lots of holes )
- Gravel or river sand ( also known as bajri locally ) available at construction sites or shops that sell construction material
- And off course the seeds (you can remove or remain the hair attached to it )
- Cover the seeds with thin layer of river sand and water generously
- Keep them in semi shade place and water in two days with sprinkler water
Adenium seeds planted in river sand
After five days seeds start germinating and within a month they were
I got 60 % germination from seeds ,may be because the seeds were old .
Winter is setting in and summer annuals are taking backseat its good time to collect summer flower seeds .