Saturday, 28 August 2021

Garden Affair : Canna Lily

 Lily flowers are one of the most popular flower species around the world. It is a fact that most of the lily plants are bulbous plants and thereby are moderately easier to grow . Canna Lilies are one of the widely grown Lily variety around the world. 

                                                             Canna Lily blooming 

Canna Lily Plant care and fertilization                                                                                                


Canna Lily is an easy to grow plant which survives drought like conditions. It requires monthly fertilization for blooming . 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Birds and Nature. This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 



  1. Schöne Blüten, die Canna erlangt eine stattliche Größe.
    LG. Karin M.

  2. This is really a wonderful plant - I like the Colour!
    All the best from Austria,

  3. I'm so late in commenting. This is a gorgeous flower. You have such a talent for gardening.

  4. Canna lilies grow wild in Florida. Certain butterflies use them as host plants.

  5. Those are a really nice color. Thank you for hosting.


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