Saturday, 22 August 2020

Garden Affair : Home grown veggie

 There is no match to the taste of home grown veggies which is grown using  completely organic products .This is from my experience that any one can grow peppers and chilies by themselves easily in a small place and get year long harvest without laying much efforts as they are grown by self seeding themselves.


This link up party invites you to share your Garden experiences and activities.It will be open for a week starting from this Saturay till next Saturay .Please post a comment if you like so along with sharing your post.It would be my pleasure if you share about what food are you growing these days .


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Arun. You have some lovely flowers and the chilis must be delicious. Best wishes, fellow gardener.

  2. Thank you very much for inviting me linking to your blog. Our garden is very tiny, so I feel envious who has these garden p;-) How great to be able to have organic vegetables grown by yourself🤍
    Love from Japan;Miyako*

  3. Thanks for inviting me to your link party - I love flowers and gardens!

  4. Can look at flowers forever. It's tomato and basil time!

  5. Summer chilies are so good any fresh vegetables. We used to keep a big garden when we were younger and our children were little. But we have not had one for years now because we travel a lot (not this year though of course ...we are staying home with Covid restrictions). Also because there are just two of us, it is easier to buy fresh produce from the Farmers Markets. But I love to look at and photograph other people’s flowers and gardens.


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