Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Garden Affair : Plumeria glory after monsoon

Monsoon is about to take a bid adieu from our city.   Plumeria is one of those perennial deciduous tree that adorns blooms almost most of the part of year. 

  Frangipani  tree is fully covered with graceful blooms after monsoon season. 



Care and propagation 

Plumerias are hardy plants that can be easily grown in any weather and can be propagated easily through stem cuttings. There are many colors cultivated of plumeria by grafting technique and tissue culture methods. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week .                                                                                  



  1. Lovely geometry and colors of these flowers.
    Today I learned about 'Frangipani tree'! Thank you!
    Enjoy your beauties, Arun! Happy WW!

  2. Beautiful photos! I love the plumeria flowers. They're so vibrant and fragrant.

  3. Oh yes, these wonderful flowers and their scent fascinated me every time we went on our two holidays in India and I also liked wearing them in my hair 🤩
    All the best and a good start to October,


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