Saturday, 26 September 2020

Garden Affair : Flowering Aquatic Plants

 This is the time for Link up party Garden Affair .It was in the last link up party  that I discussed about my Ornamental Aquatic Plants thereby I want to share about the beautiful aquatic Plants water lilies this time which are quite easy to grow and are rewarding with blooms throughout the year.

I have also  grown lotus plant from seed if interested please check out here Growing sacred lotus from seed

I have some of the varieties of water lily in bloom after the monsoon seaso


Water lilies are most rewarding with blooms among all other aquatic plants .I have added some varieties of Water hyacinth this year and will upload the blooms whenever I will be fortunate to see them booming and clicking.

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair it would be my pleasure if you share about your gardening experiences about growing Aquatic plants that bloom .



  1. Your waterlilies are beautiful. In my small pond there are growing pale yellow & pale pink. It is very late but today still one pink waterlily opened. Wishing a lovely Sunday.

  2. You are right this are stunning.

  3. I love water lilies but I have no space to plant them. Love them in their different colours.

  4. Very pretty! Have a good week.

  5. I love water lilies. Once in Longwood Gardens in PA, USA I saw those huge ones that have leaves a meter wide! In Victorian times they photographed babies on them.

  6. So beautiful!
    Greetings from Germany

  7. They are beautiful! I'm not much of a gardener but I did just get a pot of poppies to grow from scratch (and made a pot to grow some daisies...) so I'm trying a few things, I think - just not committed long term! Thank you for the invite to join in.

  8. Your water plants are very beautiful.
    Thanks for your kind invitation!

  9. Thank you for the great party and your visit on my Blog!
    And thank you for inviting me to the party.
    Make these party in my Link Party List.
    Best regards

  10. Many thanks for the invitation to the link party
    and for your comment on my blog ;-)))
    Greetings from Germany from the Drosselgarten

  11. I don't know anything about gardening, but I like flowers. 😊
    I like water lilies very much. The yellow one is gorgeous.
    I wish you a wonderful day.

  12. Thank you so much for the invite. I have a very hardy yellow water lily very similar to yours. It's the only one I have due to it's hardiness to stay green throughout the winter. Have tried many other lilies, along with water hyacinth's, water lettuce, iris and the like. We have issues with raccoons. Tried every trick in the book from motion sensor water sprays to blinking lights, to fishing line to coyote urine and everything in between. Including a "pet Proof" trap that caught our cat by the leg and had to have it amputated. The coons even took down my Great Dane. Not the scrawny ones you see in the zoo, these things are 25 pounders and aggressive. My water lily covers the entire surface of the pond, granted I only have 5 Koi left, but trying to keep them safe. Crazy people in town are now feeding the Coons so they have been staying there - good riddance! LOL

    Love your blog! Your purple lily is gorgeous!

    Again thank you for inviting me ♥ Take care

  13. Beautiful waterlilies! Sadly, mine are getting ready to go to sleep for the winter time.

  14. Waterlilies are pretty. My fav is the first pic. Lovely colors. Thank you for hosting and happy friday.

  15. Wow ! Your waterlilies are so beautiful!


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