Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Growing Asiatic Lily in pot

Asiatic lilies are one of the most vibrant flowers present among all of the Lily varieties with rewarding marvelous blooms . Although it is grown as an annual in our region but there blooms are always worthy waiting among all other spring blooms.This year I did something different by planting Asiatic Lily bulbs of five distinct colors in a single pot .As I expected they didn't get to blooms at a single time but there blooms even at different times of  month were definitely worthy for wait.


Morning sunshine                                                                                                                                      



  1. I carried some of these as my bridal bouqut all those years ago. As always I marvel at the colour in your pics.

  2. Oh, what awesome lilies! I am hopeless at flowers in pots :)

    Thanks for linking up at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  3. These lilies did so well in a pot. Lovely shots, making me think of spring instead of the snow and blustery cold we have this morning. Alana

  4. Wow, gorgeous flower photos, and a pretty sky shot!

  5. A beautiful and classic flower. I have grown some here. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

  6. Truly remarkable blooms. I only seen these grown on highlands in my region and they are not easy to grow in lowland hot climate. Thank you for visiting and your lovely comments.

  7. I love Asiatic lilies! Yours are beautiful!


  8. Are these all from your garden? THEY ARE AMAZING! If I have to choose a favorite, I would say the orange one :)

  9. Just love to see all these blooms and didn't even realise that these plants have such flowers. I for one find it hard even to make my plants bloom flowers. So nice to see these flowers.
    Stay safe and Take care during this Pandemic global lockdown - Happy Gardening.


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