Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Colorful Caladiums

Garden gets color from the flowers within  it, but there are certain plants whose fanciful leaves 
are enough to attract anyone passing by.

One such plant is Caladium. They are summer growing annuals which are grown from the tuber .


Caladiums are the tuberous plants where there is no stem in plant and leaves keep on arising for whole hot weather directly from the ground.


They like shady environment ,doesn't do well in sunlight ,leaves grow big in size in semi shade environment.  Tubers are planted in spring ,leaves start arising in early summer .                                                                                                                     

They require regular watering otherwise leaves get wilt when weather turns hot.Although I like every pattern of leaves of caladium but spotted varieties gives so much glitter to your eyes.


In mid summer they come up with a flower which is a 9 inch greenish white spadix covered by a spathe,which fruits a berry with several seeds contained in it.I think should try sowing those seeds next year.   


Friday, 22 July 2016

Bestowed with monsoon

Monsoon has finally arrived in my city .Days are filled with drizzle and weather is in cool state now.

Arid days are finally ended , Garden greenery is back with flora making appearance everywhere.

Monsoon the transition when hot weather finally departs after roasting the city ,thereby welcoming cool weather with the periods of light to heavy rain drenching the soul too.

With the advent of  monsoon Garden gets back its glory , and so the flowers start blooming again.



Lantanas are evergreen shrub that grows wild in our climate .The small flowers held in clusters are attractive from far away too.                                                                                                     

Buds in flowers resemble small pillows or cushions if seen closely. Lantana  may look orange from distance but when flower head  is examined distinct white ,yellow, red colors are blended when viewed from afar.                                                                                                               

They grow wild upto 6 ft. height and can extend upto 8 ft. ,leaves are textured surfaced  with toothy edges. Leaves emit an unpleasent aroma ,flowers dont really have any smell.

They look amazing among  paths , ways also great for shrubberies, hedges.                                  



A dwarf erect growing shrub with striking resemblance to the Ixoras. Flowers are tiny star shaped which appears on soft furry stems .                                                                                              

All are extremely attractive to butterflies ,Dark red and pink varieties attract hummingbirds too.

In warm climates it grows dense and fast ,flowers continuously whereas in winter they go dormant .They are perennial in our region and flowering is all around year.                                                        


Jatropha is a succulent shrub ,with large lobed leaves that appear at the end of branches.They flower in summer till autumn ,tiny red scarlet flowers look attractive between large leaves.


Mexican Oleander

Mexican Oleander is a large shrub that grows well in summer and flowers appear in late summer to autumn.                                                                                                                                         

Leaves resemble similarity with Oleander plants but flowers are distinctive with bell shaped yellow flowers.                                                                                                                                                 

Flowers are sweet scented but poisonous should not be ingested.                                                         

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