Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Spectacular Water Hyacinth Blooms

This week started on a thrilling note as it was the first time my Water hyacinth plant bloomed in my garden .I must say it is one of the most rewarding blooms as an aquatic plant beside water lilies.


The unique appearance of these flowers has  only one petal which has feather like mark imprinted  on it among all other petals  as you can see in the picture below                                                               

Although this flower does not much resemble to the blooms of Hyacinth grown through bulbs but both have some resemblance in their buds 


When sometimes  Mobile camera captures a breathtaking moment 

                                                            Rufous treepie flapping 




Saturday, 26 September 2020

Garden Affair : Flowering Aquatic Plants

 This is the time for Link up party Garden Affair .It was in the last link up party  that I discussed about my Ornamental Aquatic Plants thereby I want to share about the beautiful aquatic Plants water lilies this time which are quite easy to grow and are rewarding with blooms throughout the year.

I have also  grown lotus plant from seed if interested please check out here Growing sacred lotus from seed

I have some of the varieties of water lily in bloom after the monsoon seaso


Water lilies are most rewarding with blooms among all other aquatic plants .I have added some varieties of Water hyacinth this year and will upload the blooms whenever I will be fortunate to see them booming and clicking.

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair it would be my pleasure if you share about your gardening experiences about growing Aquatic plants that bloom .


Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Seeds Germination techniques

 This is my own experience in seeds germination that involves majorly three techniques that have worked for me most of the times with failing only once in a while  for Flowering and Vegetable seeds generally. 

Here I have grown Baby corn seeds by two techniques ;


    Seeds dispersed on potting soil and then covered with   light soil mixture;

                                      Seeds wrapped within Moist tissue paper until germinates ;



There is another method for growing  seeds that have hard layer by soaking them for a night in water and then sowing them in soil mixture in the morning .

While all of these techniques work successfully it would be advisable to grow small seeds directly in the soil mixture as there is no need for soaking them in water for germination.

I will add updates about the germination of the above Corn Seeds in the upcoming weeks.

Scattered Clouds on the sky


Mirabilis  Blooms 


An Owl spotted on tree after many years in my neighbourhood                                               

I have started a link up party related to Gardening where you can share about anything related to Gardening if interested please share your post on this link Garden affair

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Garden Affair : Ornamental Aquatic Plants

 It is fascinating to grow plants in water .This is evident that presence of water plant adds charm in the Garden and helps in maintaining moisture level in the Garden .While the Flowering aquatic plants like lily and lotus needs proper sunlight and care for blooms. There are many aquatic ornamental plants that doesn't bear flowers but there beautiful ornamental leaves add to so much beauty in to the Garden .

I have been growing  few varieties of these ornamental aquatic plants from quite years now .

This is a pennywort plant it is said so due to resemblance of leaves  with Penny or coin 


Aquatic Cypres Plant 

This beautiful thin stems plant sends new stems throughout the year which bears inflorescence on the head .

                                                             Inflorescence of  Cypres Plant

There are many other ornamental aquatic  plants like Pistia ,Salvinia which can be also grown in the shade for adding beauty in the Garden.                                                                                                   

It is time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share anything about Gardening .It would be interesting to know about the Aquatic plants that you are growing in your space. It would be pleasurable to leave a  comment after linking up your post .                                            


Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Floral beauty

Monsoon season is coming to an end and Garden blooms are in to the revival state after the continuous downpour  for a long period.It is that time of the month when all Gardeners from the world share the blooms of their garden at Maydreams gardens.

                                                                           Knock out  Roses


    Lantanas trailing over the stairs

Allamanda vine


                        Peacock Plant 


                    Four 'o clock


                              Ruellia blooms


                 Lily blooms are back

                                                                         (Amaryllis,Crinum,Rain Lily)

                                          Through my windowsill

                                                                                 Indian  Myna         


                                                                                         Cloudy sky

I have started a link up party related to Gardening recently .It would be my pleasure if you join that link up party here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/09/peacock-flower-beauty.html

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Peacock Flower beauty

 Monsoon Rains had done wonder to the Pulcherima Plant aka Peacock plant during this time of year .Although my yellow variety is the  only one which is blooming right know still it has become a star attraction for the bees and butterflies.



It is the time for Link up party Garden Affair .Hereby I invite everyone interested to join my link up party related to gardening where you can share anything about Garden Activities whether it is about growing plants and flowers,harvesting food or Garden decor and maintenance and everything around the Gardening .                                                                                                               


Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Miniatures in the vertical garden

 It is  a good idea to develop a vertical garden when there is not much space available but still we want to grow plants like in a balcony or on a small  piece of land.It is wonderful idea to add some miniature accessories in your vertical garden for enhancing beauty of the garden.

                                                    A miniature meditation garden in the balcony                                                                

 It is fascinating to create a theme based vertical garden in a small space which adorns it much more than mere presence of plants and trees.

                              An village scene is created through miniatures on vertical Garden 

Miniatures add value to a small space and are easily available in the market at nominal rates.

Meanwhile Four'o clock  plants are filling up with blooms when temperature has significantly dropped after rains.


A beautiful dusk in the monsoon season                                                                               



Saturday, 5 September 2020

Garden Affair : Teaching from Gardening

 I have been into gardening from more than a decade and it has made me more resilient and patient in general .Today on this Teachers Day I want to share an incident related to Gardening experience that made be more patient and taught me the power of resilience.


This above is the pic of Crape Jasmine plant around Five years ago .These variety of Jasmine bear flowers in a year of planting .It was my bad fortune that this plant was dug out by troop of monkeys several times . I was somehow sure that it would survive even after such unfortunate incidents .It did survive and This incident taught me to be patient and resilient in life .I understood that we should  never loose hope and give up on small hurdles of life.

This below pic shows its first bloom appearing after surviving for three years in difficult situation.


I hereby invite everyone who want to join my link up party related to Gardening where you can share your gardening stories and experiences related to Plants and flowers


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