Sunday, 16 March 2025

Spring in the air

 Spring is in full swing, the warm weather prevailing from last week was subsided by the western disturbances right now. The weather has turned pleasant after fresh western disturbances making the   atmosphere of spring lovely. 

                                                               Nasturtium spreading over the fence


                                                         Rare blooming of  Aloe vera inflorescence


Tinospora cordifolia a herbaceous vine is blooming for the first time in my garden  



                                                     Bees feeding upon spring blooms 

Single Petal Dahlia adds more to the spring charm 

                                         Spring is more of yellow or orange this year                                                               

                                            I can't imagine my spring garden without the presence of Pansies 

Spring is the season of diversity in blooming 

Bellis perennis blooms 

                                               Dahlia is the king of Spring flowers    


                                           A common Indian Kingfisher spotted on my terrace 




  1. How wonderful to see! What a bounty of beauty! Hope you had a Happy Holi my friend. Aloha

  2. So many amazing blooms, and that kingfisher is anything but "common" to me! I love that nasturtium. I hope mine do well this year, they didn't last.

  3. The huge variety of flowers here. So is king fisher!


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