Saturday, 15 February 2025

Spring is on its way

 It is alarming situation for our country  as mercury has touched almost 85 Fahrenheit in the first half of   the February itself in our region . The valuable concern raised by the Environmentalist regarding Global warming  seems to be foreboding now. 

There is a silver lining to the  start of warm spring which is the early blooming of spring blooms  

Nasturtium flower has been blooming from last week now 



Nemesia blooms are coming out early with the onset of spring

                                                     Nemesia blooming prolifically after sudden rise in temperatures

Adenium blooming in February itself can very well explain the Global warming impact 

Plumeria blooms are rising with early rise in temperature                                                              

Bignonia venusta is a spring flowering vine also known as Flame vine when its blooms look like a flame                                                                                                                            

The warmer spring is a looming peril that explore the potential severe repercussions to the near generation. 

Little Egret on the shore of Lake 


  1. Love all the signs of spring. The Plumeria is especially beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  2. That flame flower is so beautiful. It's one of several plants you featured today that I can't grow in my climate. I, too, share your fears about climate change. Alana

  3. 85 degrees! We've had heat waves in winter like that now and again in prior years but our temperatures have peaked in the upper 50s and 60s this winter. I doubt I'll see Plumerias in bloom for 2-3 months. Best wishes Arun.

  4. Such beautiful flowers! I particularly love that red Adenium. Do you do anything special to get it to bloom so profusely? Ive had one plant for several years that a friend gave me, but it hasn't bloomed at all, despite my efforts.

  5. Your blooms are lovely! Thank you for sharing the beauty with us Aloha

  6. Beautiful flowers. I wish you could send some of that warm weather here, it is too cold.
    The egret is a lovely bird, great photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week ahead.

  7. The Egret is a beautiful bird and photo! Enjoy your week!

  8. We had 80 temperatures here in Georgia last week. But this week we are back to lows in the 20's and highs in the mid 40's. I'm ready for spring!

  9. Loved seeing your excellent photos of the flowers, as well as egret.

  10. Wow!!
    Wonderful spring flowers.


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