Saturday, 27 August 2022

Garden Affair : Indian Fragrant Rose

        Rose is one of   the widely omnipresent flower in the world.  It is being grown and consumed throughout the world.  Indian Fragrant  Rose popularly known as Desi Gulab is widely cultivated throughout India.                                               

It is considered to be  one of the most fragrant rose available in world. Flowers are usually colored red or pink .   It blooms most part of the year  irrespective of season.                                                                                                                                           

Indian rose can be easily grown through cutting. It is easier to propagate through plant cuttings rather growing them from seeds.                                                                                                         


Indian fragrant rose is widely consumed for making garlands consumed for multiple events e.g. Marriage, Worship and plethora of events.  It is intereseting to know that roses are edible and their  petals are used as an ingredient for sweets.                                                                                                                                            

It is time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for  a week starting from Saturday. 

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Garden Affair : Kalanchoe plant


Flora  world is vast and there are some unique  plants in the plant kingdom and  Kalanchoe plant is one of that succulent plant that has distinctive properties . 

Here I will talk about three varieties of Kalanchoe plant which are completely distinctive from each other even belonging to same Kalanchoe family. 

                                                               Kalanchoe pinnata

                                               Kalanchoe propagation through leaves 

Kalanchoe pinnata also known as Mother of Thousands is a popular medicinal plant due to its properties of curing kidney stones problem .                                                                         

The propagation method of Kalanchoe plant through leaves is only common factor between all varieties of Kalanchoe.                                                                                                             

Kalanchoe  Delagoensis

                      This kalanchoe variety is also known as Mother of millions. It is named after propagation of  millions of plant from a single leaf.                                          


Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

                                                This variety is grown for its flowers . The flowers are singular and many hybrid varieties have multiple colors and large blooms.    

It is the time for link up party Garden affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 


Monday, 15 August 2022

Independence Day.

 Today is India's Independence day. My Garden is filled with exuberant energy and colors after monsoon rains. 

                                            Rutteya Fruticosa




                                                            Periwinkle blooms



                                                                        Rain Lilies




                                                                   Crinum lily







Water Lily

                                                                       Dreary sky



                                     Indian Myna 



                                     Happy Independence day !      

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Garden Affair : Vinca show

 Rains have revived the blooms in my garden , In the  couple of last days Vinca  blooms have been omnipresent in my garden.                                                                

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 


Saturday, 6 August 2022

Garden Affair : Torenia Fournieri

 Monsoon season  is at its peak in our city While I was riffling into my garden I  was amazed to spot Torenia blooming in a flower bed which was  self grown . Torenias are plants that grow profusely in monsoon in our region . 

A brief intro about Torenias and How to take care 

Torenias are attractive annual flowering plants. They grow in a form of bush and blooms profusely, These cheerful plants can easily be grown through seeds and grows well in hanging baskets and flowering containers and pots. 

They grow best in sunny to semi shade conditions. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where anyone  can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday.


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