Saturday, 25 December 2021

Garden Affair : Tis the season

              This is that time of year when Christmas cactus chose to bloom  on the Christmas day .

Merry X'mas everyone  . Stay safe and celebrate this season at home.                              


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 


Saturday, 18 December 2021

Garden Affair : Bees and Ladybugs

          Bees and bugs are essential part of Garden . We often see bees and bugs hovering over flowers which plays important role in pollination of seeds that ultimately helps in maintaining  ecological balance .    Bees like Honeybees create one of the most consumed food product Honey .                                             

                                                               Bees on Chrysanthemum

Bees on Dianthus 

Where bees helps in creating ecological balance,  Ladybugs protects plants from attacks of aphids and other plant eating insects by feeding upon them time to time.                                                 

And Ladybug on Chinese Aster

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening , Birds and Nature . The link up party will be open for a week starting from Saturday.                                    


Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Chilly weather is back

The weather is turning chilly day by day with the onset of winter in our region . Meanwhile garden is popping up with colors of Autumn and early winter bloomers. 

Dombeya spectabilis


 Gaillardia blooms 


Chrysanthemums  season  is bang on 



A pretty butterfly( NO ID )


And some of the blooms                                                        

( From left to right : Cosmos, Pansy, Adenium, Chinese Aster , Petunia , Gardenia )


(Left to Right : Tecoma stans, Huernia zebrina , Gaillardia blooms , Black pepper plant , Galphimia blooms , Cranberry Hibiscus )


( Peacock flower , Plumbago , Frangipani flower , Torenia flower , Loropetallum )

Shikra spotted



Sunset at the bank of river

Saturday, 11 December 2021

Garden Affair : Chrysanthemums


This time of the year my garden is filled  up with the presence of chrysanthemum blooms . 


Here is the link for some chrysanthemum blooms from last years. Chrysanthemums collection

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening , Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 


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