Saturday, 14 August 2021

Garden Affair : Ruellia

 Monsoon has made the weather pleasant and all the plants are back with the blooms . Ruellia also known as Desert petunia is a hardy perennial that blooms throughout the year except in the colder months.  


Ruellia care and growth

Ruellia is a hardy plant and can withstand high temperatures . It would grow and spread in  a large area through dispersion of seeds. It would be advisable to fertilize it  twice in a year is enough for its growth and blooms.It is also known as desert petunia owing to its blooms alike Petunias. 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Birds and Nature . The Link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 



  1. Beautiful Ruellia or Desert Petunia. I have never seen the blue flowers. I only have the purple and the pink ones. Thank you for hosting.

  2. I am so behind in blogging. The flowers are gorgeous. Have a great Sunday.

  3. It's gorgeous! Definitely looks like a petunia too.

  4. Ruelia is gorgeous, but she is very sensitive. At least here, in our country, the strong wind causes great damage to flowers.
    Have a fine week!

  5. Lovely colors have your ruellias! You are so gifted to take care of your garden!
    I dare a question. On my post I have that white-red flower. Is it any chance to know it's name?
    Thank you in advance and Happy WW, Arun!

  6. Very pretty. I've never heard of this flower though I have seen them many times!

  7. These are very beautiful flowers!
    All the best from Austria

  8. Wonderful blooms... thank you for hosting.


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