Saturday, 26 June 2021

Garden Affair : Coral Vine

 Monsoon season has started in our region . The humid weather has facilitated the growth in plants and many flowering plants and shrubs have started giving out blooms . It is exhilarating to see blooms of Pink Coral vine alias Antigonon leptopus .


Growth and Care of Coral vine

It is a hardy vine that grows into a large vine  when trained that blooms twice a year . The plant grows vigorous and blooms profusely if fertilized  periodically. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, birds and Nature . The Link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday.


Saturday, 19 June 2021

Garden Affair : Jasmine

 Summer days are coming to end as Monsoon has reached in our region . Monsoon is one of the most awaited season of the year as it helps in the growth of economy directly. While there are few flowers that bears the summer heat and blooms in the summer and monsoon season. Jasmine Flowers are one of the most fragrant and hardy blooms that give blooms in the entire summer season till the end of monsoon season. 

                                                            Different varieties of jasmine Flowers     

Care of Jasmine plants

Jasmine plants are hardy plants that does not require any special  care for blooms and can withstand drought like conditions . It should be taken into consideration that pruning plants before blooming period helps in development of more buds on plant.

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party is open for a week starting from Saturday. 


Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Summer Splash

 Summer season is going on and heat waves are  blowing in my city . Monsoon has reached in the country and hopefully it would reach our region within upcoming weeks. While Summer Garden usually lacks color this year fortunately  due to continuous weather disturbances summer blooms have showed on and off in the entire summer season. 





Saturday, 12 June 2021

Garden Affair : Water Lilies

 Summers are at their peak , It is the time for water lilies to appear and flourish for upcoming months lasting till the autumn season.

Water Lilies prefer humid season to bloom and since monsoon season is approaching within few  days . 

Water Lilies in my Garden have started showing blooms already  indicating presence of humidity in the atmosphere . 


 It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for  a week starting from Saturday .


Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Summer annuals for hanging basket

 Summer season is here . In this blistering weather there is limited scope for growing flowering annuals and there are only some of the hardy  flowering  annuals that can add beauty to the summer garden.

Growing annuals in hanging pots and baskets is a convenient form  of Gardening to grow plants in small spaces due to unavailability of space . Here are some of the summer annuals that can be grown in Hanging pots easily 











It is a good deed to keep a pot filled with water to feed birds and quench their thrust in the hot summer days


                                                         Sparrow satiating thirst

It seems like monsoon is approaching within upcoming weeks 

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Garden Affair : World Environment Day

 In Today's time when the world is facing a crisis situation it has become relevant  to understand the importance of environment and this pandemic has taught us the importance of taking care of our environment and it is high time to take a step up and plan action to reverse the damage done to the nature in all of these years. Planting trees is one of the way that can be done by each one of us to help nature revive and save our environment from degrading.                                                                      

While there are many other ways to save environment from destruction one of the most effective way is to spread awareness about decreasing the dump of plastic waste in the nature and instead recycling it for growing plants. Old Plastic bottles, Tyre , Cans , Tanks and Jars are some of the examples that can be used in growing plants and veggies at your space .                                                                                

It is time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday till Saturday.


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