Saturday, 24 April 2021

Garden Affair : Verbena

 Verbenas are one of the most attractive small flowers that brings riot of colors in spring. These are one of the spring annuals that can be grown easily and  blooms stays for weeks . 

                                                      Verbenas in the spring time garden

Verbena Care and propagation

Verbena is a hardy plant and can be propagated through stem cutting . It grows well in cool climate and can survive extreme weather conditions. It requires organic feed once in a fortnight for healthy blooms.



      It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and Birds. This link up party is open for a week starting from Saturday


Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Oxygen releasing plants

 In this pandemic era one of the most common effect about Covid 19  that came into concern is decreased level of oxygen in the infected person. While there are many reasons for the certain level of oxygen in our body it is interesting to note that there are some plants that release oxygen in daytime.

          Here are some of the easy to grow Indoor Plants that   release oxygen during the day time  and are considered as Air Purifier which are easy to grow plants and requires minimal care throughout the year.

                                                                         Rubber plant

ZZ Plant

                                                                              Spider Plant 

Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum

Although these are easy to grow plants it should be noticed that these plants should be kept in a part of room which receives indirect sunlight for a part of day which helps in growth of healthy leaves.

Meanwhile a beautiful Gerbera bloomed after  an unexpected rain 


         And soon after rain the evening sky 


A Red bellied Woodpecker spotted after a long time

                                                                     Red bellied Woodpecker


Saturday, 17 April 2021

Garden Affair : Nemesia

 In these last days of spring I want to talk about this spring annual Nemesia which comes up in multiple color variants and instantly grabs attention due to the unique shape of flowers. Nemesia blooms comes in bunches and stays fresh for many days .


Nemesia plant care and growing season

Nemesia plant is a hardy plant that strives best in cool climate with partial shade environment . It can best be grown with seeds and can survive drought conditions for a specific period .

                                                                  Nemesia blooms in spring sunshine

How and when to feed Nemesia plants

Nemesia plants require liquid organic fertilizer every fortnight for continuous blooming , It is better to do deadheading weekly which promotes growth of plant and helps in more blooms.

It is time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and Birds . This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday till next Saturday.


Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Spring Summer Transition

 It is a time when temperature is soaring high as summers have arrived while it has been unusual winter this year the summer season is predicted  to be harsh this year as heat waves can already be felt in the noon time .

Garden is right now filled with the  mix of spring and summer blooms 

Here are some of the early Summer Blooms 

                                                             Tecoma capensis


Summers can't be imagined without Adenium blooms


There is nothing that can match  lovely Portulaca blooming in summer


When spring is taking a bid adieu some of the hardy spring annuals are still blooming in profusion

Statice Blooms

                                                           Petunias blooming in profusion

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Garden Affair : Mesembryanthemum

The spring flowers are giving out their last of the blooms and summer annuals are just at preliminary stages . Ice Plant or Mesembryanthemum is one of the most compelling spring annuals that is easy to grow annual that blooms profusely throughout spring . 

         Mesembryanthemum also known  as Ice Plant


It is time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share anything related to Gardening, Nature and birds 



Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Harvesting season

 The spring is reaching its end as temperature is soaring high and when spring blooms are fading away the fresh organic harvest is what I am looking up to this time in my Garden






Potato harvest




Phlox blooms in late spring

Meanwhile a Green Bee eater bird was spotted




Saturday, 3 April 2021

Garden Affair : Osteospermum

 Osteospermum is one of the most  hardy spring  perennial flowering plant  which belongs to African Daisy family and looks breathtaking when blooms in profusion. 



Growth and Care

African Daisies are easy to grow plants that can survive and grows best in the sunny conditions . These plants can withstand drought like situations up to an extent and still can grow and flourish profusely throughout the spring and early summer.


                                   They are considered perennial plants as they can grow and survive for year or two depending upon the conditions they are retained and protected from the harsh weather conditions.


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair which is related to Gardening, Nature and Birds .This link up party will be open for a week starting from Saturday




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