Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Growing inverted Tomato plant in bottle

 It is always a fun experience to grow your own veggies which are organically grown at your space. I have been growing all varieties of Tomatoes from past many years. This year I tried a very unique way of growing Tomatoes and I was fortunate to succeed in my first attempt. 

I tried growing inverted Tomato plant in a Recyclable Plastic Water Bottle.

This is a old Plastic bottle whose base has been removed to fill the soil mixture 

                                                                         A 1000ml  empty bottle

The base of bottle is removed for filling soil mixture

Tomato seedling inserted from the cap side

                                              And after 2months the first tomatoes appear

                                                 Tomatoes ripened and ready to be harvested

Things to remember growing inverted Tomatoes plants in bottles

- Tomato seedling should be gently inserted in bottle without damaging root system of the plant
- Soil mixture should be light and fertilizer rich so that plant gets its strength and food adequately
- Watering should be done moderately when the plant requires it otherwise the plant will rot eventually.                                                                                                                       

The spring summer transition is always a happy time in the Garden as there is a freshness of leaves and flowers can be felt in the Garden                                                                                                      

Meanwhile when Mobile camera does the justice to capture stunning purple sky

                                                      Brahmin Mynas spotted in purplish evening sky

                                                                          Thanks for hosting 


Saturday, 27 March 2021

Garden Affair : Amaryllis

 The spring season is in full swing and the Garden is filled with exuberant colorful blooms. It is a good coincidence that I am writing a post about the Colorful Amaryllis Flower on the occasion of  Holi which happens to be festival of colors celebrated in the  spring. 

                                             Amaryllis Blooms 


It is time for Link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts relating to Gardening, Nature and birds . This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday.


Happy Holi ! 


Saturday, 20 March 2021

Garden Affair : Stunning Statice Flowers

 The spring is in full swing and the garden is currently filled with riot of colors and many more new blooms are awaiting for their turn to bloom in spring. While the weather is usually  pleasant this time of year the unexpected increase in temperature is indicating towards the global warming .

This year my garden was introduced with new Spring  Annual that has most uniquely shaped pretty blooms. Statice or Sea lavender are one the most unique flowers I have ever grown as a spring annual before in my garden.


How to grow Statice and care                                                                                                        

Statice are easy to grow plants and can withstand drought like conditions . They are easy to grow plants and only require organic fertilizer feed once in every month and are popularly used as cut flowers. 

It is time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday to Saturday.



Monday, 15 March 2021

Welcome Spring

 Spring is one of the most awaited season in the whole year. The aroma of spring can be felt in the air and  garden is filled with exuberant spring colors. This year with moderate winter spring arrived early and Garden is back with colors.

                                                      Heavenly scented Alyssum


                                                                            Statice Blooms   




                                                                Schizanthus blooms       


                                                          Lovely Petunias 


                                                          Bellis Perennis 





                                                               Pansy and violas


                                                            Nemesia Blooms 





(left : California poppy ,Right Top : Phlox, Centre : Cineraria, Below : Freesia)

                                      (Left : Sweet William , Right Top : Snapdragon, Centre: Nemesia and Below :                                                                          Snapdragon)

                               ( Left Top : Osteospermum, Below : Bougaivillea ,Right TOP : Carnation,Below :                                                        Cineraria )

And some other blooms like Dimorpotheca, Candytuft, Celosia, Linaria , Nasturtium  and many others are coming up with coming days of spring .

Meanwhile a spring Sunset looks like this from my Garden


Thanks Carol for hosting Blooms day                                                                                              


Friday, 12 March 2021

Garden Affair : Spring Flower Snapdragon

Spring time in my garden .  It is the time for discussing about new  spring flower for this week  Snapdragons. Snapdragons are one of those flowers that are nostalgic for me as a kid I used to love these Dog Flowers( snapdragons)  and played around with the  Flower by squeezing it to open like a Jaw of the dog :D . I still love this flower and always remember to plant a few of them for the spring every year. 


          Growing Snapdragon and care

           Snapdragons are moderate to easy for growing them from seeds ,They prefer sunny location and fertilizer rich soil  .   There are multiple colors of hybridized variety of  snapdragons  grown throughout the world.                    

The bunch of flowers appear on a long stalk which makes them attractive to the eyes. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share anything pertaining to Gardening, Nature and Birds . This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday evening till next Saturday.                                                                                                                                          


Wednesday, 10 March 2021

How to make homemade compost easily

 Compost is an essential ingredient for gardening . While there are are number of options for fertilizing your plants , organic compost stands out best with respect to the fact that it not only promotes the plant growth it helps in improving the quality of soil. 


It is pleasant to know that inclination towards gardening has tremendously increased after the pandemic happened as staying home was a prerequisite for the situation . Home made compost is one of the best product for gardening  that should be taken seriously by the avid Gardeners due to many underlying advantages it has in your garden.

Process of making Homemade compost

There are many ways in which  you can make compost at your home without requiring anything to buy from the market. 


The best way which is practically possible and gives you good result at the end of complete process is piling up dried leaves , vegetable and fruit scrapes in a vacant space or in a bin .Now adding little water in every ten days and then  we should just  observe the decomposition process of all of the stuff         happening gradually .  The entire process of turning dried leaves and scraps in to usable compost   may take somewhere between 180 to 200 days depending upon the weather conditions. 

    Important things to be considered while making home made compost :                                                         

 - It should be considered that while adding food and plant waste like vegetable and fruit scrapes  in the process of making compost items involving products obtained from  animals directly or indirectly should be avoided    in making compost,

- It should be considered that composting process should be carried on while keeping covered the compost bin   for the promotion of decomposition process effectively.             

Meanwhile Snapdrgons are filled with blooms 



And its time to bid adieu to Jungle babblers


And a visit near lake                                                                                                                       




Sunday, 7 March 2021

Happy Birthday blog !

                       It has been 8 years now when I started my Gardening blog . Frankly I never knew that  My passion for writing about Gardening and sharing my experiences about growing plants  would grow and evolve in all of these years . It was recently in the last year I started a link up party related to Gardening with intention to connect to the Gardening and Nature enthusiasts from  around the world.                                    

I feel blessed and gratified  for the people who participate in  my link up party Garden Affair and want to Thank them from the bottom of my heart.                                                                             

My Link up party invites everyone to share your post related to Gardening, Nature and birds here at Garden Affair   . This link up will be open for every week starting from Saturday to next Saturday. 

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Garden Affair : Spring Flower Bellis perennis

 Spring season is now in  full swing with respect to  our region . The spring flowers are innumerable  and this is the reason spring season is  looked forward every year . Today I wanted to share one of the most popular and attractive spring flower Bellis perennis that is a popular variety of daisy flower grown for its stunning blooms.




Bellis perennis growth and care 

Daisy flowers or Bellis flowers are hardy plants that can tolerate extreme weather conditions up to an extent level. It should be considered that they prefer good quality fertilizer weekly for giving profusion of blooms . It prefers full sunlight and wet with good drainage soil mixture for giving best results. 


It is time for link up party Garden Affair which is related to Gardening, Nature and Birds . This link up party will remian open for a week starting from Saturday till next Saturday.



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