Saturday, 20 February 2021

Garden Affair : Fungicide on plants

 It is due to urbanization and growing  culture of deforestation growing food and vegetables in apartments or in small spaces gardening is becoming increasing popular in the current environment. While this culture  should be appreciated as there is no better alternative left for us  to obtain and consume freshly grown organic harvest which is in current demand and  much more better food alternative compared to market bought food. The major challenge in growing food at a small apartment or in a small space is not the limited space or unavailability of quality seeds, fertilizer. It is the  problem related to dealing with abnormal growth of  pests, fungus on vegetables and fruits plants as in small space gardening fungus growth increases due to lack of air circulation and highly humid and dynamic conditions .



It should be noted that while there are many organic and inorganic fungicides available in stores not all of them are suitable for the health of plants and for obtaining satisfactory  harvest of vegetables and fruits. It is imperative to note that fungicide for spraying upon veggies and fruits plants can be easily prepared at home that too with limited items.

One of the most effective Fungicide  for removing fungi and which is  less harmful on plants  method of preparing Fungicide is a solution of Baking soda and water with a tbsp of baking soda in four litres of water . It should be noted that spraying Neem oil spray is also effective in preventing from bugs, fungus and pests grow on plants.


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair which is related to gardening and where you can share any topic pertaining to growing plants and vegetables, Nature and birds. 

This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday till next Saturday.



  1. Yes, I use the baking soda method.

  2. Thanks for the inviting.

    Wishing you a good start into the new week I am sending greetings to you


  3. The baking soda tip is a good one. I prefer the natural ways of treating plant diseases whenever possible. Thanks for hosting!

  4. Thank you for inviting, thank you for hosting ! I like to be here !
    Wishing nice week , greetings from Germany Anna

  5. I usually cut away infested parts of the plant otherwise wash/jet spray with water first. If the pest persist, then only think of organic alternatives ;)

  6. Thank you for the tip. I didn't know that baking soda is also good for plants.
    All the best!

  7. Thanks for the invitation - I wish you a nice week with lots of sun and garden fun
    best regards, Liz

  8. What a good idea! Soda is really good for almost everything :-D

  9. I think the advice with the baking soda solution will be very useful to me. Thanks!


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