Saturday, 28 November 2020

Garden Affair : Small flowers big Satisfaction

 I have always been attracted to the constant blooming perennial in my garden that bears small cluster of flowers as they shine like a twinkling stars in the garden irrespective of any weather conditions  giving consistent blooms throughout the year. They are most favorite among pollinators like bees, birds ,butterflies and moths. Here I want to share some of the perennials that attracts bees and other pollinators throughout the year in my garden.







                                                                 Golden shower


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share your experience related to gardening and in general growing plants or share snaps related to Trees, plants and flowers .

This link up party starts and ends on the Saturday every week and remain opens for whole week.


Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Countdown to Winter

 The days are getting colder with every passing day as temperature at day time  has dropped to mid of 70s Fahrenheit which is quite cold for this time of year in our region. The reason could be due to unexpected hailstorm in my city  that happened in last week and fresh snowfall going on  in the hilly areas. While my winter garden preparation is going with full swing here are some blooms and developments that were observed after a walk in to the garden.

Spider lilies are in full bloom with a heady scent after their leaves were thinned and pruned after attack of worms.


It was a surprise to spot Rain Lily blooming at this time of year



The last show of Hibiscus blooms until freezing winter sets in the garden


A    fresh harvest of Raw mangoes 


Meanwhile a Rufous treepie was spotted in the garden

And a wonderful morning sky with Clouds,sun and birds ( can you spot the sun )


Saturday, 21 November 2020

Garden Affair : Rose

 Roses are one of the most appreciated and popular flowers in the whole world .Their blooms are majestic and appealing to the eyes. Their beautiful appearance make them standout in the floral world and they are rightly said King of flowers .

I have been growing Roses in my garden from a while and have been mesmerized by its blooms and colors . These are some of the varieties of roses  growing in my garden besides the ever blooming knock out roses.


Knock out Rose blooms

It is the time for link up party where you can share anything related to Plants and flowers. It is a platform where you  are free to share photographs,tutorials,activities related to gardening .


Tuesday, 17 November 2020


 Micro greens are one of the most easy to grow highly nutrient plants that can be grown in a small space in your home. This is interesting to know that Micro greens can be grown from any type of seeds from such a  food item  that be consumed in daily life whether those are pulses, Green leafy vegetables,Chickpeas,Veggies or anything .It has been scientifically proved that micro greens have more amount of nutrition than the plant itself therefore it should be grown and included in the daily diet.

Methods of growing Micro greens : 

Micro greens can be easily grown through two simple methods in small and shallow containers .

Firstly , soaking seeds in water overnight and then planting them in the soil.

Second  method which is  more successful method involves keeping seeds wrapped  in a moist  paper napkin for two days or until seeds germination can be visible.

Step by Step explanation of Growing micro greens by second method

                            These are fenugreek and Moong bean/Green gram seeds which were wrapped in moist paper towel for two days and now germination can be seen in them clearly                             


It is the time to sow the germinated seeds in the soil for growing micro greens. I have used Disposable Glasses for growing micro greens and we can use even any type of small and shallow containers available at our place 


         Moong beans and Fenugreek seeds are sown in Disposable glasses here in below images

It should be mentioned here that micro greens should be harvested at the time when two leaves are visible on the stems germinated from the seeds                                                                                  

The above micro greens are ready to harvest and can be used in dips ,salads, savory pancakes and soups and many other cuisines to add flavor and nutrients .

Meanwhile a mysterious sky was spotted 


Friday, 13 November 2020

Garden Affair : Happy Diwali

 This is the time for  festive season of the year as Today embarks the celebration of  Diwali .Diwali is the Hindu festival that is celebrated every year as a significance of victory of Good over evil .It is celebrated by lightning  earthen lamps and candles to signify the victory over darkness and evil. I wish and pray this festive  of Diwali comes out as a victory over the evil Covid 19 that has succumbed the entire world.


It is the time for Link up party Garden Affair where you can share about anything related to gardening or share information or pics related to Flowers and Trees.



Tuesday, 10 November 2020


 This year was quite unusual one and I hope it ends on a good note after being a nightmare for the whole year for the entire world .This time of the year temperature is falling down drastically bringing in transition in weather from hot to cold weather. This transition in weather is best suited for flowers to bloom profusely until cold weather stagnates the growth for a time period.

                                                   Zinnias and Gomphrenas  in full glory                                                                    

                             This seems exciting to spot Tibouchina blooming after a long time 


Rutteya Fruticosa 

Cockscomb Blooms 

Tecoma plants are bringing out blooms in this  Autumn to winter transition 



Portulaca are still giving bountiful blooms


These two lilies  always bring welcome transition  in Autumn season

Bougainvilleas blooms

Pentas are giving last of their blooms


                                                          Blooms in Autumn glory

Clockwise : (Cranberry hibiscus,Ixora,Torenia,Plumbago,Ruellia)

Meanwhile a parrot was spotted on terrace 


And a sunrise to remember


I have started a link up party related to gardening anyone interested to share anything related to growing plants and flowers is most interested to join this party at

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Bees and Butterflies on Flower


Bees and butterflies are essential part in every garden. It is saddening that population of bees and butterflies are on declining trend due to overuse of pesticides  sprays. It is a fact that bees and butterflies are most common pollinators that have helped in saving several species of flowers.

It is an alarming fact that we are heading towards environmental crisis. It wouldn't take much time when we reach a stage with this commercialization of  use of pesticides and use of other  harmful chemicals in to a stage where most of the flora species will extinguish and we will be left with scientifically crafted imaginary plants and flowers.

It is the time for another week for Link up party Garden Affair where you can share your gardening experiences and also share about plants and flowers .It would be exciting for me if you share your views about the above topic in the comments.


Monday, 2 November 2020

Flower Bulbs

 It is the time for winter season to set in the upcoming days. It will be seen within few days that cold weather will persist for few months until spring breaks bringing riot of colors with blossoms and blooms. It is the perfect time to sow winter Flower bulbs for spring blooms.

It is advisable in our region to sow Flower bulbs for winter season  in October and November  for bloom in spring in the upcoming year.

    These are some of my Favorite Flower bulbs for winter season.


                                          Ranunculus are one of the most rewarding blooms that can be easily grown through bulbs and seedlings .These claw shaped bulbs should be sown in disinfectant water which can be prepared by mixing any fungicide powder in the water .

                                           Ranunculus bulb soaked in water


                                                      Ranunculus blooms

Lilium Bulbs                                                                                                                                             

Liliums are one of the most easy to grow Flower bulb and they do not require much care and reward with huge blooms within a short period of time after sowing bulbs.                                                      

Lilium Bulbs 

Anemone Blooms 

Anemone are one of the most attractive  flower bulbs which can be grown for spring blooms.They can be grown easily with only concern about watering up to a certain level.


There are many other Flower bulbs for winter - spring sowing like Tulips,Gladiolus,Freesias,Orinthagalum,Sparaxis,Ixia,Mountbrettia and many others.

Meanwhile a sunset to remember from a vacation 


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