Saturday 14 December 2019

Xmas days

Winter days are here ,chills can be felt throughout the day.While we never experience freezing cold in our region but chilly cold waves coming from snow capped mountains envisage  in commencing of the winter period . 

Meanwhile here's whats into bloom this month,Thanks Carol for hosting Garden bloggers blooms day every month.

                                                                            Pink Dombeya 

Thunbergia Erecta,King's mantle


First appearance of Dahlia

Arrival of Petunias 

Rose bud formation


Happy X'mas .



  1. Nice to see some real blooms when we in the northern US have nothing to look at but snow or mud.

  2. So much color and loveliness! The pink dombeya is new to me. I have to learn more about it. Happy holidays to you, too.

  3. As always, you have such vivid blooms! I had to look up "dombeya." I read it is a tropical hydrangea, but not a hydrangea! It sure looks similar! Very pretty.

  4. I love the Dombeya. I seriously considered planting one in my own garden but I was scared off by its projected size at maturity. Having a Dahlia in December would be wonderful! Mine are all hibernating (even though we don't freeze either).

  5. All we have where I live is dreary skies and snow (we should have another storm tomorrow night)so blooms like yours keep me going all winter. Dombeya is totally new to me although I may have seen it during trips to our warm state of Florida. Thank you for brightening my day! Alana

  6. That is a beautiful Hibiscus! Wow! Dombeya is a new one to me, and I learned from experience that Thunbergia is most definitely a houseplant in these parts.

  7. Beautiful!
    Have a great week!

  8. So many beauties blooming now! Lovely!


  9. So much beauty! Love the flower captures.

  10. Thanks for linking to Ruby Tuesday Too. Lovely flowers!

  11. Gorgeous colors! I'm fortunate, too, to live in a temperate climate. Geraniums, daisies, and a couple of other flowers are still in bloom in our yard.

  12. Your flowers are so colorful! Some of them are new to me.

    It's terrific to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  13. It was wonderful to se your bright flowers, as here nothiong blooms right now. Wishing a happy weekend, thank you for linking <3

  14. It is cold and gray here in my area of the U.S. So nice to see these flowers. I am already planning my garden for next season:) Thank you for linking up.

  15. Earlier we had a cool wind passing through due to the monsoon. Hence the temperature dropped by a few degrees. In early hours of the morning, the weather was rather cold. But today every thing is back -- hot!

  16. I love marigolds. They are so helpful in the garden to repel pests while making it bright and lovely. - Margy
