Wednesday 8 January 2020

From my windowsill

                                            My garden has been never in deprive of visitors in form of birds and critters  ,Infact presence of them   makes garden lively.                           

These groups of Indian Myna has been regular visitor in my garden,with frolicking around all over the garden.

What a beautiful sky has formed into with those dense clouds arranging  looks like it would rain,If it rains the cold will intensify in upcoming days.                                                                                  


  1. Love the photos especially the hibiscus.

    Happy Thursday!

  2. It's always fun to see visitors in your garden, thanks for sharing yours! And your sky shot is so gorgeous :)

    Your post is a great addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  3. I love your pillow looking skies. Have a great weekend!!

  4. Oh yes, this is really a beautiful sky!
    My sky ...

  5. That's a pretty sky, and nice to have birds in your garden!

  6. Love the BLUE sky BEHIND the clouds. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  7. Those birds are pesky visitors here, they like to eat the dog food! It's great you have a lively garden too!
