Sunday 10 November 2019

Swerve into winter

This year has seen drastic rainfall activities which has instigated winter chills earlier than it happens.
Garden is right now in dilemma to leave summer heat or to accept the chilling waft of winter,meanwhile summer flowering annuals are  in full glory.


Adenium Obesum



While summer annuals are in full glory winter flowering has just begun                                              

Cockscomb Plant


'Neon' Carnation


Rutteya Fruticosa

Cluster vine in full glory

For flowers around the world visit Maydreamsgardens


  1. The colors of these flowers are incredible! the Cockscomb is so elegant. Love the others as well! Many thanks for sharing your flowers with All Seasons! Have a beautiful week:)

  2. I enjoyed seeing your colorful blooms on my rainy, dreary winter day. My garden is finished but needs some clean-up work. Maybe tomorrow....

  3. I used to have Bougainvillea on my back fence when I lived in Southern California. It had such beautiful blooms. - Margy

  4. How great to have these lovely blossoms at this time of year! I'm glad yo shared them with us.

    I'm glad to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  5. Beautiful flowers! It is cold and dreary here. No flowers here so I am glad to see yours. Thanks for linking up.

  6. Hello, lovely colorful blooms. Beautiful photos. Wishing you a happy day!

  7. I think you have every shade of lavender in these flowers! Beautiful!

  8. They are all beautis, especially I love the pink Cockscomb plant! Thank you so much for linking, happy weekend.

  9. I miss bougainvillea from the two years I lived in Florida (long ago) right now the only thing we have is dreary grey skies and the remnants of snow. I've never seen Neon Carnation; is it really a light green? If it is, I would love to find some. Alas, we are in premature winter, but your blooms will help sustain me until April. Alana

  10. Such wonderful blossoms and so much variety. I am particularly fond of the zinnias, periwinkle, and that lovely cockscomb. Obviously, summer still prevails where you are.

  11. Such Lovely colourful flowers.

  12. It may be a transitional period for you but you have a lot still in bloom, Arun. Does it freeze in your area? That Celosia is wonderful. I wish I had your success with Adenium obesum too - I killed mine.

  13. Arun-despite your changing seasons, you still have so many wonderful blooms in your garden! The temperatures are plummeting so quickly here and the leaves are falling like crazy! Enjoy those blooms as long as you can! Happy Bloom Day!

  14. Stunning set of flora photos. Your garden must be amazing.
