Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Garden Affair : Self seeding surprise

   January weather has been quite unpredictable this year, the first half of month was chilly with fog and rains covering the entire region.  The another half contrary saw sharp rise in temperatures and warmer weather  which is unusual for the month of January. 

The warm temperature has a silver lining for my garden , as the plants dormancy ends and the growth is resumed   . Its a fortunate stroke of   serendipity when spring annuals that self seed themselves are spotted blooming after winters.                                                                        

                       The blessed garden are those where self grown flowers bloom in spring.                                                      

                                                                          French marigold


                                                           California Poppy

Dahlberg daisy

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week . 

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Garden Affair : Growing plants from vegetable waste

It is a known fact that we do not consume whole vegetables  as it is , there is always a part which is thrown as waste and rest major part of the vegetable is consumed.  There are numerous vegetables whose waste part  can be regrown to obtain harvest . 

A Radish is a popular vegetable which is not consumed as a whole but only consumed after removing the green leafy part from the top of Radish. We can grow the leftover leafy part for obtaining harvest of Radish pods . 

How is it done ?

                         Firstly a  Radish  is dissected from its  top green leaves 

           Whole Radish                                                    Top part of Radish

Now this leftover top part of radish which is waste can be regrown to obtain radish pods or 'mogri 'as it is called in Hindi.                                                                                                                                    

This waste part of Radish is regrown to harvest  Radish pods. 

                                        Radish pods obtained from growing Radish waste 

Onions are versatile vegetables which are humongous  consumed around the world. Onion bottom root part  is scraped of as waste for consuming onions. Do you know these scraped parts can be regrown to obtain fresh spring onions.                                                                                                                     

How is it done ?                                                                                                                          

Onion root part scraped off from onion as a waste 

These bottom parts can be regrown to obtain spring onions 

Spring onions grown from onion waste 

Most of the leafy green vegetable can be regrown from their leftover roots that are thrown away after consuming the leafy part of the vegetable.                                                                             

                       These roots part are removed from coriander stems as a scrap                                          

These roots can be regrown to harvest fresh stock of coriander leaves


                                         Coriander regrown from scrapped roots                                         

These roots that come with spinach can be regrown to obtain fresh harvest 

Spinach regrown from leftover roots 

It is the time for link up party Garden affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week .                                                                             



Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Garden Affair : Makar sankranti

 Its festive time in India Makar Sankranti which is a mid winter festival dedicated to Sun God  is celebrated every year during the mid of January in the Northern part of India . It marks the end of Winter Solstice  and start of new Agricultural year when sun moves northward called 'Uttarayan'. This transition of Sun is significant to bring warmth, energy and life. 

                                In Northern India it is celebrated by Flying kites, preparing traditional sweets and taking holy dip in holy rivers. Flying kites is an ancient practice on this auspicious day   considered   to be a way of showing appreciation and gratitude to God for  our Good health.

                                                    Kite flying on Makar Sanranti     

While Northern part of India celebrates Makar Sankranti Southern part of India celebrates Pongal which is a multi day festival that spans for  four day celebration , there is a traditional pongal dish which is prepared with newly harvested rice, jaggery and milk.                                                

Pongal decoration 

Pongal is a hindu harvest festival that celebrates the end of winter and the beginning of the new harvest season. It is celebrated by the southern region of India especially Tamil people and around the world.                                                                                                
It is the time for link up party Garden  Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week .


Saturday, 11 January 2025

Drizzle weather

 The weather right now is foggy, its drizzling . The concurrent rains from last week had lead to drop in temperature with absence of sunlight it has been challenging to peep out in the Garden .

The wait for spring seems longer as weather forecast doesn't  augur to see weather condition improving till next fortnight. Meanwhile the dreariness in garden is broken off with the presence of  blooms of Tagetes lunulata .

                                          Tagetes (red marigold )

The consistent blooms on Coral Jasmine and Bauhinia Purpurea from last month is a candy for my eyes daily


The last few days  for chrysanthemum blooms 


It was pleasure to spot Rufous treepie frolicking around in my garden

                                           I spotted it first perching on my plumeria tree 

                                    It kept on flying and perching from one to another tree 

Finally it came close to pose for a macro shot 


Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Garden Affair : Recap 2024

 Today is the 7th day of  the Year 2025 , so here when I look back to the past year these  are some of the posts from each month  worth remembering  from the last year 

                                     " Every new beginning comes

                                      from other beginnings end. "

                                                                     - SENECA


                                                     Foggy Mornings 




               Growing saffron at home(Here's my detailed guide to Grow saffron at home )



                                                            Spring has arrived



                                                     Harvest from the spring





                                                                  Baby Sun rose 



Awaiting for monsoon 


Arrival of Monsoon 


                                                         Mexican Aster 



Weeds or Medicinal plant


Monsoon Harvest 




Plants to control pollution 


It is the time for link up party Garden affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will be open for a week . 


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