There has been ongoing debate upon deployment of organic over chemical fertilizer for plants after the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers on overall health had been realized. Organic fertilizer are great plant nutrient owing to these are obtained from Nature and have added advantage that they enhance quality of soil naturally .
While in todays digital age access to each form of fertilizer is at your doorstep, it is imperative to note that we can utilize our kitchen waste easily to make a nutrient rich fertilizer for our plants.
Vegetable peels are the major part of vegetables scrapped from daily needs in kitchen . It is a fact that they are more nutrient rich than the actual consumable part of vegetable.
These peels can be used in two ways in your garden :
First being direct dispose off peels in plant pots like Banana peels which can be buried directly in to the soil .
Secondly , soaking potato and lemon peels in water for two to four weeks and then adding that water in plants respectively.

Banana peels and potato peels are good source of potassium and magnesium that is good for flowering in plants.
Citrus fruits peels like oranges and lemons can be soaked in water to prepare liquid fertilizer which is a good source of nitrogen for plants that helps plant achieve optimum yield.
Leftovers from green leafy vegetables like cabbage, lettuce can be directly buried into the soil of potted plants and can be used to prepare liquid fertilizer by soaking them for few weeks.
Likewise Peels obtained from peas, carrots, radishes , gourds are rich source of vitamins and nitrogen that can be used as a fertilizer for plants by preparing compost or liquid fertilizer as per convenience. Here we can note other than vegetable peels tea or coffee grounds can also be directly buried in soil as they promote overall plant development.
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