Sunday, 16 March 2025

Spring in the air

 Spring is in full swing, the warm weather prevailing from last week was subsided by the western disturbances right now. The weather has turned pleasant after fresh western disturbances making the   atmosphere of spring lovely. 

                                                               Nasturtium spreading over the fence


                                                         Rare blooming of  Aloe vera inflorescence


Tinospora cordifolia a herbaceous vine is blooming for the first time in my garden  



                                                     Bees feeding upon spring blooms 

Single Petal Dahlia adds more to the spring charm 

                                         Spring is more of yellow or orange this year                                                               

                                            I can't imagine my spring garden without the presence of Pansies 

Spring is the season of diversity in blooming 

Bellis perennis blooms 

                                               Dahlia is the king of Spring flowers    


                                           A common Indian Kingfisher spotted on my terrace 



Friday, 14 March 2025

Garden Affair : Happy Holi

 Holi the festival of colors is celebrated in spring season. The prominent Hindu festival celebrated in the early spring is  a colorful festival when people smears each other with colors as an ode to give  gratitude to the nature for the  wonderful bounties that came into the  nature on arrival of spring. Holi is celebrated on  full moon night and is a significant festival which also implies the victory of Good over evil.  

                                                    People celebrating Holi with colors

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week.                                                                       

Friday, 7 March 2025

Garden Affair : Blogiversary

 I wrote my first ever post on this blog this date only 12 years ago . The blog came into existence as a long held ambition to share my experience and compassion towards Flora and fauna .  The passion and avid interest in Gardening from my younger days  has flourished more within the last decade . 


                            I never knew my blog will thrive for more than a decade and Ill develop a special  bond with my fellow bloggers in the entire journey. 

I   thank each and everyone from around the world who takes  part in the  weekly link up party Garden Affair , Please leave your valuable suggestions upon the topics we can  cover in the link up party . 

It is the time for link up party Garden affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week. 



Friday, 28 February 2025

Garden Affair : Tulip festival

 I was fortunate enough to visit Tulip festival organized by New Delhi Municipal council during my recent visit to New Delhi .

Delhi Tulip festival  which is organized in spring time is a vibrant celebration of Spring when more than 3 lakh tulip bulbs blooms  in the Delhi . This annual spring event attracts visitors from around the world. 


               I was spellbound with the collection of  Tulip varieties  planted in flower beds in arrays 


The array of Tulip blooms took my breath away



The bi color varieties were the complete show stealers

                                                                               Macro shot of blooms 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week. 


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Garden Affair : Warm spring

 The warm start to spring this year has again raised concern about drastic consequences of Global warming. The high temperature above 85 f  in the start of spring is precarious predicament for the near future. 

                                                                     Dusk captured on the outskirt of city             

It has been stated to be record breaking  warmest February in the  last few years in our region, the action to mitigate the global warming can be taken as a laymen  by planting  more trees and making more artificial  ponds as much as possible so that we can make a small contribution to cool down the Earth .                                                                                                                                                                                           


At last we can rightly quote here as said by Environmentalist 

"If you want less degrees,
you must plant more tress."

It is the repercussion of early warming that blooms of   Bougainvillea and Desert Rose which are never seen   until March are  flourishing profusely in February itself.                                                                           




It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week .                                                                              


Saturday, 15 February 2025

Spring is on its way

 It is alarming situation for our country  as mercury has touched almost 85 Fahrenheit in the first half of   the February itself in our region . The valuable concern raised by the Environmentalist regarding Global warming  seems to be foreboding now. 

There is a silver lining to the  start of warm spring which is the early blooming of spring blooms  

Nasturtium flower has been blooming from last week now 



Nemesia blooms are coming out early with the onset of spring

                                                     Nemesia blooming prolifically after sudden rise in temperatures

Adenium blooming in February itself can very well explain the Global warming impact 

Plumeria blooms are rising with early rise in temperature                                                              

Bignonia venusta is a spring flowering vine also known as Flame vine when its blooms look like a flame                                                                                                                            

The warmer spring is a looming peril that explore the potential severe repercussions to the near generation. 

Little Egret on the shore of Lake 

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Garden Affair : Converting Kitchen waste to plant nutrient

There has been ongoing debate  upon  deployment of organic over  chemical fertilizer for plants after the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers on overall health had been realized. Organic fertilizer are great plant nutrient owing to these are obtained from Nature and have added advantage that they  enhance quality of soil naturally . 

While in todays digital age access to each form of fertilizer is at your doorstep, it is imperative to note that we can utilize our kitchen waste easily to make a nutrient rich fertilizer for our plants. 

 Vegetable peels are the major part of vegetables scrapped  from daily needs in kitchen . It is a fact that  they are more nutrient rich than the actual consumable part  of vegetable. 

These peels can be used in two ways in your garden :

First being direct dispose off peels in plant pots like Banana peels which can be buried directly in to the soil . 


Secondly , soaking potato and lemon peels in water for two to four weeks and then adding that water in plants respectively. 


Banana peels and potato peels are good source of potassium and magnesium that is good for flowering in plants. 

Citrus fruits peels like oranges and lemons can be soaked in water to prepare liquid fertilizer which is a good source of nitrogen for plants that helps plant achieve optimum yield.                                                                          

Leftovers from green leafy vegetables like cabbage, lettuce can be directly buried into the soil of potted plants and can be used to prepare liquid fertilizer by soaking them for few weeks. 


Likewise Peels obtained from peas, carrots, radishes , gourds are rich source of vitamins and nitrogen that can be used as a fertilizer for plants by preparing compost or liquid fertilizer as per convenience. Here we can note other than vegetable peels  tea or coffee grounds can also be directly buried in soil as they promote overall plant development.                                                                         

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. This link up party will be open for a week. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Garden Affair : Best Gardening hack

 Gardening is not everyone's cup of tea , most of the amateur gardeners gave up on gardening when there plants dies even after giving their sweat and blood  to the plants. 



Most of the plants can be grown in healthy manner when we understand the pivotal role of watering plants which can make huge difference in the overall growth of plants . 

We can grow plants successfully even as an amateur when we understand basic watering techniques of plants that  can actually help in growing and thriving plants in sustainable manner  .  


Watering your plants is essential for plant growth , It is important to note that following underlying measures we can achieve good growth in plants 

- Shallow watering on the surface level can resist water penetration to roots , watering deeply helps growth of stronger roots that facilitate plant growth. 

- Watering at morning or evening consistently

- Plant should be watered only when required , it is better to check  moisture or dryness in soil by dipping your finger , 

-  Watering plants without affecting foliage , water coming in contact of leaves or stem of plant is the root cause  behind leaf diseases. If possible watering should be done at morning time so that water evaporates from the leaves. 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds.  This link up party will be open for a week. 


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