Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Garden Affair : New Beginning

 Is it really  a  new beginning at the first day of January and why do we need to wait for first January to start something . It is just change of Calendar or do new year  actually bring relevant change in your life. It depends upon us eventually. 


                                     " I hope you realize that everyday

                                          is a fresh start for you. 

                                      That every sunrise is a new chapter 

                                         in your life waiting to be written. "



It is the time for link up party Garden affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature an birds. The link up party will be open for a week. 


Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Garden Affair : Tis the season

 It is that time of festivity on Christmas eve  when winters have just begun and Christmas cactus is blooming in all its glory . 

Merry Christmas everyone 


Schlumbergera or Christmas cactus is a low maintenance succulent which can strive through extreme conditions but  favorably prefer low sunlight conditions.                                                                      

Christmas cactus blooming indoors 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week . 


Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Garden Affair : Chrysanthemums Glory

 December is the well suitable  season for Chrysanthemum blooms in our region . The chrysanthemum blooms starts unfurling at the  beginning of winter and blooms remain intact  for more then a month . 


                                                   Chrysanthemums from last years                  

Chrysanthemum plants are easy to grow from cuttings and require care mostly during growing period.                                                                                                                                           

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts relating to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week .                                                                         


Sunday, 15 December 2024

Cold weather

December is inception of Cold weather in our region . Although this year we are already experiencing biting cold waves in the start of December itself as a consequence  temperature is  dropping up to  single digit at the night time  which happens rarely in the first fortnight    of December .   

                                                                    Purple Orchid Tree Blooming

                                    I cant get over the  paradise of blooms  of Purple Orchid Tree 

I had planted this Coral jasmine plant two years back and now it has been flowering prolifically from October . 

                                          Coral Jasmine 

Dombeya flowering season 


          Chrysanthemum blooms are unfurling with beginning of Winter season



Petunias in my Balcony  Garden 


          Marigold blooming season is back                   

These are  the last blooms of seasonal morning glory flowers for this year 


Adenium blooms are still abundant even after arrival of winter season                                          

Indian Ring neck parakeet  spotted in the park 


                                                           When u wake  up  to this kind of  morning       

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Garden Affair : Plants to control pollution

 Northern region of India especially  National Capital Region New Delhi saw soaring rise in air pollution at the beginning of winter. It was unfortunate that it reached hazardous level at the  last fortnight which caused state officials to limit movement and many prohibitions were levied on state transport including shutting down of primary schools. 

There have been many reasons stated  especially stubble burning in farms being one of them  for rise in pollution . According to international surveys there are many plants that combat air pollutants by removing toxic chemicals and pollutants from air . 

These house plants can certainly help in controlling pollution in our environment : 

  Spider plant


Spider plant can be helpful in controlling air pollution indoors by fighting against carbon monoxide. They can be easily grown from leaf or stem cutting .                                                                               

Rubber plant


The Rubber plants emits oxygen and is one of the best option to control pollution and breathe fresh air indoors.                                                                                                                                              

Snake plant


Snake plant is one of the hardy plants that emits oxygen in the air and can withstand any environmental conditions.                                                                                                     




Pothos are  very popular known as Money Plant is a beautiful plant that filters harmful chemicals from the air.                                                                                                                                                    

Peace Lily


Peace Lily is a beautiful indoor plant that prefers indirect light and can filter harmful pollutants like ammonia from the air.                                                                                                                   

The aforementioned plants  can definitely combat pollution indoors and help in breathing fresh air indoors.

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair  where we can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week


Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Garden affair : Petunia season is back

 Our winter season has begun the cool breezy weather is a breath of fresh air after unusual high temperature this year.  

Petunias are most rewarding seasonal bloomers in winter . They are hardy and easy to grow plants that can bloom for a long period even up to the end of  spring season. 


It is the time for link up party where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week .                                                                                                


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Garden Affair : Purple Orchid Tree

 The beginning of winter is one of the best time for my garden , the summer annuals are blooming at the last of their glory . The garden is on a process of change for spring show. 

Bauhinia Purpurea is a perennial that choose to bloom at the end of Autumn. The five petaled flowers that got there name as Indian orchid Tree due to their close resemble to Orchid flowers . 

It is a hardy perennial that can reach upto 20 feet tall or more and can be maintained as a short tree. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week . 


Friday, 15 November 2024

Cooler Nights are coming


The temperature is on a dip spree in night , this indication of winter approaching was much awaited  for the garden after a tormented summer which we have seen this year .  

The Autumn garden is a mix bag of blooms and harvest. We always spent more hours  in the Garden in Autumn compared to whole year with respect to preparing garden for spring. 

Night Jasmine or Parizad plant choose the Autumn for flowering , The night Jasmine flower has fragrance that can make whole garden smells like perfume. 



                            Bougainvilleas are blooming prolifically before they go dormant in winter. 


       Adeniums which are summer bloomers are unexpectedly   blooming more  in Autumn this year 



                                  It was after almost 5 years there is a bloom on Aloe Vera plant.  



Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Garden Affair : Landour

 It was in the last fortnight, I was fortunate enough to visit Landour . Landour is a small town located above the popular hill station Mussoorie in the State of Uttarakhand. 

It  is a cantonment town built for and by the British Indian Army. Landour is a town which is adjacent to the Mussoorie . It is interesting to note the name Landour was derived from Llanddowror which is a village in Southwest wales. During the British rule it was common practice  to give Nostalgic English name to one's home in India . 


There are many historic churches in the Mussoorie Range and especially in Landour one of them is Kellogg Memorial Church . It was built in 1903 which was Language school for the Britisher to learn Hindi Language. 

                                                          Kellogg Memorial Church 

Landour has this old world charm comprising of its cafes and bake houses which are located at enchanting spots serving amazing food with  scintillating yet calming vibes.                                                 
Doma's inn and cafe is a stunning cafe cum inn  which has interior and exterior influenced by the amalgamation of  Chinese culture and Indian Film industry . The food served is amazing and especially the decorative walls are a  sight to remember for long .                                                                                                                       
The exterior wall art is inspired from Chinese culture and tradition. 

Doma's inn 

I have been avid reader and fan of writer Ruskin Bond's work from my early days of childhood. I was in school when I learned that he lives in Mussoorie and appears weekly  in a Book cafe located in the Mussoorie. The curiosity to see him in person was one of the reasons that took me to Landour to his residence. Although unfortunately he was not in the sight at  his residence at that moment nonetheless reaching at his place was also exciting .                                                                                                                        
Ruskin Bond Home in Landour  


The iconic old world charm of Landour is Landour Bakehouse which is situated near the Kellogg's  Memorial church , it is believed to be established in 1800's which was reestablished again in 1900's . It is believed to be serving original recipes from 1890's and is always seen hustling bustling  with customers. 

                                                               Landour Bakehouse             

The highest peak of Landour is Lal Tibba which translates in English as Red Hill . It is named so as the sunlight falls at the time of sunset  on it peak as red beam . It has Japanese telescope placed on its roof that offers view of Himalayan mountain peaks.  The place is calming and has remain of British architecture. 

                                                                               LAL TIBBA                                                                         

Landour in Mussorie is a must visit place for one who want to spend their time in the lapse of mountains. 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature  and birds.




Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Garden Affair : Pink Autumn

 Autumn weather brings cool breeze and the Garden prepares for welcoming winter , since we have mild winter the preparation for spring blooms is done in the Autumn till early winter. 

It is a bit of pleasant surprise in my Garden that the beginning of Autumn is ubiquitous  with presence of  pink blooms. 

                                                                   Four' o clock      

                                                                           Adenium Obesum                                         




                                                                       Portulaca Flower       

                                                                       Rain Lilies 

                                 It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related   to Gardening, Nature  and birds. The link up party will be open for a week .                                                

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