Saturday, 27 May 2023

Garden Affair : Golden shower tree

     Summers are here , The scorching heat of summer makes it difficult to move out in the daytime and garden becomes dull due to lack of colors in the scorching summer heat. 

                  Golden shower tree or Amaltas tree comes to full bloom with the beginning of summer  season. It's blooms are pleasing to eyes and provides grace of relief  in hot summer days when other flowers wither off due to heat wave conditions.                                

Amaltas tree in summer resembles like bunch of golden grapes growing in a row . Cassia fistula is a hardy perennial tree which grows easily in poor climate and blooms in large cluster of blooms with the beginning of summer.                                                                                                                

The intricate shape of Amaltas plant looks like a butterfly. The blooms of golden yellowish color is a treat to watch for eyes. It is grown through seeds and seeds can be  planted in Monsoon and Spring season.                                                                                                                                              

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will start from Saturday . It will be open for a week . 


Saturday, 20 May 2023

Garden Affair : Protecting plants from Summer heat

 Summer is intensifying with every day  passing by summer heat is soaring with rise in  high temperatures. 

It becomes difficult to protect Plants from heat wave and scorching summer period. While drought resistant plants can withstand this heat it is imperative to protect plants from direct sunlight and strong heat waves . 

Here are few important steps one should take to protect plants from direct exposure of heat from summer

          -    Green     Shades for plants                             

Creating a dome like environment through green shade helps in protecting plants from summer heat. Green shades help in saving plants from direct exposure of sunrays.                                                   

- Adding light mulch onto the soil helps in maintaining moisture in the soil for longer period of time which keeps plant cool and  soil wet for longer period that helps from harsh summer.      

                                   - Watering plants in the morning helps them in retaining moisture for whole day and thereby save plants from drying out in the summer .                                                                                               
It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from saturday. 


Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Summer colors

 Summer has finally arrived with temperature  soaring 40 degree Celsius. While we had an unpredictable start to  summer with some downpour after the advent of western disturbance . 

It has helped to give   pleasant start to summer weather and blossoms 

Adeniums are perennial plants that blooms mostly in summer with the appearance which is similar to trunk of an old tree there blooms are magnificent



Bougainvillea grows well in warm climate and give blooms when the weather is hot


                                                              Cosmos bipinnatus 



Lantana blooms 


              I am surprised by the performance of Lemonia plant which had been blooming from last six months 


It has always been a pleasure to see plumeria blooming after winter dormancy 



And summer can't be imagined without the presence of Zinnia in summer garden 


It is unusual summer this year as temperature which usually touch 45 degree Celsius by the may has not crossed 40 degree till now which has actually lead to more blooms. 

There is lot more which has been blooming other than aforementioned like Peacock flower, jasmine varieties,  spider lily, kalanchoe and marigold. 

   An  Ostrich spotted in my recent visit to sanctuary




Saturday, 13 May 2023

Garden Affair : Protecting birds in summer heat

 Summer has started in India , in a short span of time temperature will soar high even more than 40 degree Celsius.  Our region sees heat wave in summer which leads birds into misery. 

We can help birds save from scorching heat in simple ways and do our bit in protection of environment. 

Keeping water bowl outside in your balcony, garden or anywhere outside your house where birds can easily approach towards water. 

                                                                        Birds quenching the thrust

Placing bird feeder in a shaded place of your garden, balcony or on a branch of  tree which provides shade to the birds when they come to feed .                                                                                                                            
A parakeet feeding on bird feeder in my garden 

Adding birdhouse in your garden or balcony will protect bird from harsh weather and facilitate nesting. 

Pruning of hedge and trees should be avoided in summer season as hedges an branches of tree provides shelter to birds and acts as natural habitat to  protect them from Summer heat and temperature. 


Thereby taking  abovementioned simple steps for protection of birds in summer can help these wonderful creatures live peacefully in our ecosystem. 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 



Saturday, 6 May 2023

Garden Affair : Lemonia Plant


Lemonia is a perennial shrub which is also known as Ravenia spectabilis . Lemonia is considered an exotic plant and is  grown for its beautiful flowers and dark green fleshy leaves. 


Why  Lemonia plant is called so                                                                                            

Lemonia is  a beautiful plant that grows to a large height. It is interesting to note that Lemonia plant leaves have a smell similar to lemon which is the adequate reason the plant is named after lemon . 

Lemonia Plant care and flowering period                                                                                   

Lemonia plant flowers for a long period of year and is mostly grown in a semi shade condition. It likes regular watering and will bloom for a longer period of time when fertilized periodically.

It is the time for link up party Garden affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday.                        


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