Saturday, 25 March 2023

Garden affair : Poppy flowers

 This spring is the most distinct one with continuous heavy rain which we usually never see in this season. Spring annuals  are most awaited blossoms of spring season. There is a altogether a different joy of growing spring annuals  . 

                    Poppy is one of  the most liked  spring flower in our region since  poppy flowers are most vibrant spring annuals that grows in profusion and create a scintillating visual when grown in beds and fields. 

                                                               Common poppy

Growth and care                                                                                                                                     

Poppies are easy to grow plants from seeds . They are tender plants still they don't need special care during growth period and blooms profusely in cool climates.                                                                 
Shirley poppy and Iceland poppy are most commonly grown in our climatic region.                          


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday.                                   



Monday, 20 March 2023

World Sparrow Day

         Today is World Sparrow day , March 20th is observed as World sparrow day .Sparrows   are the most common species of bird found in our region . Common house sparrows have been companion of human for more than thousand years. Sparrows have been part of our civilization for long now.                     

                                                 House sparrows 

Reason for World sparrow day                                                                                                                     

Sparrows have been in living with human civilization from a long time period now. It  was a decade back when first ever World sparrow day came into existence with a goal of conservation of House sparrows and to promote and spread awareness about the biodiversity.                                            
It has helped over the years to spread awareness about decrease in the count of sparrows . It is good to know that individuals, organization and agencies have been working on this issue and have been working to promote , connect and network in the wake of conservation of sparrows.                               
Sparrows satiating quench for thirst 

Sparrows have been important in our civilization as they help in maintaining  our  ecosystem by assisting in pollination, controlling pests.                                                                                  

                                                       Sparrows nesting in man made birdhouse

Its raining in the spring time garden , the Dahlias are outshining in the spring garden                       

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Garden Affair: Spring show

 My garden is filled up with colors of spring, it has been dreary and rainy weather from yesterday which has envisaged the extended spring season. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening , Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 



Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Spring is here

 Its spring time folks, the aura of spring garden is magnificent. Spring is welcomed in our city with inflorescence on Bauhinia and Flame of forest .  

                                                   Bauhinia blakeana

                                                      Bauhinia  purpurea

Flame of forest 

Bougainvillea's revive with spring garden 

Spring is awaited for infinite blooms                                                                                                         
Nemesia blossoms 


Petunias blooms in spring

Abundant spring colors                                                                                                                                

From top to bottom
(Petunias, Pansy, Kalanchoe, Dog flower, Marigold, Geranium)

(Chrysanthemum, Gaillardias, Geranium, Petunias, Begonias, Pansy)

(Gerberas, Gaillardias, Cineraria, Statice, Poppy, Daisy)

(Ice plant, Daisy, Dimorpotheca, Marigolds, Calendulas)

(Calendulas, Dimorpothecas, Statice, Cinerarias)

(Godetias, Gazanias, Schizanthus,Daisy, Statice, Dianthus, Freesia, California poppy)

(Nemesia, Schizanthus, Sweet william, Delphinium, Nasturtium, Verbena, Corn flower, Calendula)

Birds at Dawn time

From top to bottom (Cormorants, Indian pond heron, Gray headed Swamphen, Great Egret )

Sunrise from the  Mountain

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Garden Affair : Geraniums

 Spring is in full swing , presence  of spring blooms in my garden has completely changed the aura of garden. Geraniums are one of the most looked forward flowers that grow well  in spring time garden . 

It is hardy perennial plant that survives a cool climate and blooms for a major part of the year 


Ivy Geranium 

               Geranium care and propagation



Geraniums are hardy plants and doesn't require any specific care but these plants respond positively  in form of blooms  when fed with fertilizer occasionally . Geraniums are often propagated with stem cuttings and also grown through seeds. 

It is the time for link up party Garden affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 


Tuesday, 7 March 2023

This Blog hit's ten

My first post on this blog was on this date a decade ago , I never knew the passion for gardening, Nature would grow in all of these years. Its Holi time festival of colors , my garden is filled with spring air. 
Here's a small glimpse of  the decade

2013 Attractive foliage eye catchy flowers

2014    Glimpse of the year                                                                                                         

2015        Whimsical day with Chrysanthemums                                                                                       

2016      Lobelias                                                                                                                                       

2017    Curtain creeper                                                                                                                   

2018   Anemone                                                                                                                                        

2019    Asters                                                                                                                                        

2020 Spring delayed this year                                                                                                           

2021     Amaryllis                                                                                                                     

2022   Flame of forest                                                                                                                  

2023 Spring on the way                                                                                                                         

Meanwhile I spotted these Pelicans at the lake                                                                                  


Saturday, 4 March 2023

Garden Affair : Nemesia

 Spring has arrived in our city . The festival of colors Holi is  about to happen and garden is also ready for displaying splash of colors of spring. 

While there is a riot of spring flowers blooming in my garden, Nemesia flower is one of the unique spring flower variety with multiple colors and shades in a little flower.



                                                   Nemesia colors pop in a pot when grown collectively            

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will be open for a week starting from Saturday. 


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