Saturday, 28 May 2022

Garden Affair : Rhododendron

 It was during my recent visit to Uttarakhand I was fortunate to discover Rhododendron flowers blooming profusely . 

The Rhododendron is  a native flower to Uttarakhand  and it grows easily in this  cold region . 

                                                                 Rhododendron blooming in hills 

Rhododendron flowers also known as Buransh flowers in the region are popularly used for worship and for preparing concentrate which has sweet taste along with many medicinal properties. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 


Saturday, 21 May 2022

Garden Affair : Garden Glimpse of Uttarakhand

 I  recently got an opportunity to visit  a sacred place which is situated in  a colder region of Uttarkhand . I was moved and exhilarated by the flora and greenery  in that region .  

I stayed at a holistic  place  Anand Ganga in that region which was located at the bank of river Bhagirathi or popularly known as River  Ganges . Their premises brought positivity and calmness to my soul .  The greenery and flora around the premises is a feast to the eyes.

                                                                         Knockout Roses


                                                                Cone Flower


Day Lily

Amaryllis lily

Where flora was mind blowing fauna was good 

                                   Parakeet on Bottlebrush plant

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 

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