Saturday, 26 March 2022

Garden Affair : Geraniums in spring garden

 Spring was ephemeral this year due to the  sudden emergence of hot waves from the northern winds. Geraniums are attractive spring annuals whose unique appearance make them stand out among other spring annuals. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds. The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday. 




Saturday, 19 March 2022

Garden Affair : Amaryllis season

 Spring season  bring riot of colors and aroma to the garden  , while spring annuals are bringing burst of colors to the garden  large  blooms of Hippeastrum or popularly known as Amaryllis lily are putting up a great show. 


It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related with Gardening, Nature and birds.                                                                                                                              


Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Spring garden

 Spring is in full swing and garden is filled with exuberant  aura of spring flowers

                         Palash Flowers or Flame of forest Flowers are the prologue to the spring season

Dahlias in the springtime garden


Bellis perennis 













Spring Bulbs


From top : Iris, Freesia, Ranunculus, Amaryllis Lily



Spring blossoms 

From top : Pansies, Sweet pea, Corn flower, Ranunculus, Lobelia 


Saturday, 12 March 2022

Garden Affair : Visit to Birla Temple

It is springtime and recently I got opportunity to visit Birla temple. Birla Temple is a renowned sacred place where God Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped . It is an epitome of modern architecture of any Hindu temple. 


I was amazed to spot the spring flowers blooming in the premises of Temple. 

Poppy Flowers

                                                                   Garland    Chrysanthemum 

                                                       Linum grandiflorum

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where we can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . 


Friday, 4 March 2022

Garden Affair : Iris

 Spring is in full swing . Spring brings new blooms everyday and garden fills up  with color and fragrance like no other month of the year. Iris is one of the most popular spring bulbs that comes in different colors and shades. 


                                                                  Dutch Iris blooming profusely in Garden 

 It is one of the most easy to grow spring bulb that rewards with early spring blooms when most of the bulbs are dormant. 

                                                  Dutch iris blooming 


 It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday . 




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