Saturday, 29 May 2021

Garden Affair : Zinnias Season

 Summers are harsh in my region . It is due to persistent heat waves it becomes tedious task to save plants from hot and dry weather. While there are limited flowering annuals that strive through the summer season and show blooms in the hot sultry weather . Zinnia is one of the hardy annuals that bloom throughout the summer and give color to the otherwise dull garden.


Zinnia Growth and care

Zinnia can be easily grown from the seeds ,In our region seeds are sown in the spring and autumn season . They prefer sunny condition for blooming . It is best to add organic fertilizer monthly for consistent blooming period.

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . This link up party will be open for a week starting from Saturday .


Saturday, 22 May 2021

Crinum Lily blooming time

 I have grown many varieties of lilies in my garden. Lily blooms are one of the most eye catchy blooms among all the flowering plants  grown from bulbs. Crinum lily is one of the most attractive variety of Lily family. There striking color and humongous blooms instantly grabs the attention .


Growth and Care                                                                                                                               

Crinum Lilies grow well in any state of weather and some varieties even blooms twice a year . They require fertilization once in a while and providing organic fertilizer just before blooming period will help in boosting blooms.                                                                                                                           

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature and birds . This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday.                           



Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Growing Herbs in water

 Growing herbs at your home is one of the most easy and rewarding part of gardening . Herbs are popular for adding distinct flavor to your food and are also packed with essential nutrients required by our body . Herbs can be grown through seeds and also easily through stem cuttings . Herbs such as Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary, peppermint and many others  stem cuttings can be   grown in water easily. .                                                    

Method of growing herbs in water 

Pluck a stem from herb plant like a basil plant as shown in the below image and immerse the below part of stem in the water 


After a couple of days we can observe the roots growing on the stem and this is the time for planting the stem in the soil mixture.

Meanwhile there is a continuous rain going on as an effect of Cyclone Tauktae in the country which turns out to be  a rejuvenation for garden plants in hot summer days.

                                                      Periwinkle plant drenched in rain 

 And  an Indian Kingfisher spotted 


These travel and journeys are what I miss in this pandemic era    


Stay Home Stay Safe guys ,,WE SHALL OVERCOME ONE DAY


Saturday, 15 May 2021

Garden Affair : Plumerias in Summer Garden

 Plumerias are one of the most beautiful flowering shrubs that blooms consistently for the most part of the year . Plumeria blooms are now back after a break with the arrival of hot weather . 


Plumeria Care and Propagation  

Plumeria plants are easy to grow plants and can withstand drought like conditions and still give continuous blooms. Plumeria can be easily propagated through stem cuttings .

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share anything pertaining to Gardening, Nature and birds . The link up party will remain open for a  week starting from Saturday to Saturday.


Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Summer and Pandemic

 This is a tough time for the country due to ongoing  current pandemic . This is one of the reason I am not scribing regularly on this blog . While pandemic is creating havoc in the country Summer season is here. Summer blooming Plants  are coming up with blooms gradually in the garden to mark the  inception of summer.

Peacock Flower blooms









Plumeria  blooms


Meanwhile a cloudy sky is anticipating rain in upcoming week


It is always relaxing to watch chirping sparrows 




Saturday, 8 May 2021

Garden Affair : Spring Flower Cineraria

 This will be  my last post for the  series of spring flowers for this year . Cineraria is one of the popular spring flower which is grown for it's ability to grow in shaded areas. It's blooms that comes in profusion and stays blooming for long days. 


Growth and care                                                                                                                                      

Cineraria requires cool weather for growing and grows best in in the shaded environment . It requires rich fertile soil for growing and for healthy blooms.                                                      

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening, Nature an birds . This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday .


Saturday, 1 May 2021

Garden Affair : Spring Flower Dahlia

 Dahlias are undoubtedly one of the best annuals owing to their magnanimous blooms . They are widely grown for spring blooms in our region . 


Growth and care

Dahlias are easy to grow from seeds and cuttings. These can also be grown through  tubers which is relatively difficult to grow in comparison to growing from cuttings or seeds.

Dahlias are heavy feeders and grow well when given  feed with organic fertilizer every fortnightly . 

It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share posts related to Gardening , Nature and birds . This link up party will remain open for a week starting from Saturday


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