Your mind is a Garden, Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.
Saturday, 30 January 2021
Garden Affair : Birds attracting plants
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Signs of Spring ?
The weather is becoming unpredictable every passing year ,it was just a week ago that cold waves and fog conditions was prevalent in the whole city and there was no sign of warming up of weather and it is now in this week that temperatures are increasing every day which has helped the annuals and perennials to come up with blooms.
Although there are few weeks left for the outbreak of spring the sudden rise in temperatures has led to early formation of buds on plants
Knock out Rose
Helichrysum Plant
Sweet peas
A Hazy Sunrise
Indian Robbin
Saturday, 23 January 2021
Garden Affair : Gazania beauty
Winters are becoming mild in my region by every passing year some of the early spring annuals are unfurling earlier than expected and one of the most loved bi annual Gazania is already in to the blooms and gracing my garden when there is still some time left for the spring season annuals.
It is the time for link up party Garden Affair where you can share anything related to Gardening, Nature and everything about growing plants and harvesting food.
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Herbs in my Garden
Growing herbs in Garden can be beneficial in many ways for the amateur Gardener too as Herbs are easy to grow and generally require minimal efforts to grow and can be harvested in a short period of time .
It is a wonderful plant to enjoy gardening with advantage of growing plant that can be used in culinary arts to increase smell , taste and flavor of the cuisine.
A vertical Herb Garden
It can be started in a small space and you don't need a green thumb to grow and cultivate harvest of herbs and still enjoy the unique fragrance and flavor of each herb in your garden.
Growing and care
Herbs can be easily grown through their seeds and some of the herbs can be even propagated through stem cuttings
Spinach grown in Left over old oil can
They do not require much space or fertilizer for growth and can be grown in shallow pots for that matter in any left over container.
Fenugreek growing in a pot
Herbs are best plants to grow for those avid gardeners who don't have patience for plant to grow and bear fruits or flowers .
Basil grown in a sack
Petunias are coming out nicely after rise in temperatures
A flight of pigeons captured
A sunset to remember
Saturday, 16 January 2021
Garden Affair : Small space Gardening
It has become an increasing popular Gardening culture and convenience of growing plants in small places by applying techniques of gardening that helps in utilizing small spaces in a manner that many varieties of plants can be grown within a restricted amount of space.
Here are some of the easy ways to use spaces for Gardening
Hanging baskets and Recyclable containers
The most popular and appealing technique of growing varieties of flowers and annual crops is planting hanging baskets and inverted bottles and pots . This is quite economical technique as anyone willing to start gardening in absence of ground can use recyclable bottles and containers and can even bring hanging baskets easily available in the market.
These are easy to hang over the walls and place beneath the ceiling which looks appealing to the eyes and adds aesthetics to your space.
It is becoming increasing popular to grow Garden tower with respect to taking support against wall which helps in utilizing space effectively in a restricted area and gives satisfaction of growing plants .
Window sill gardening
This is good idea for the plants that strive in less sunlight conditions and can be grown in conditions with low light or artificial light conditions.
Growing Succulents on grills of window sill
Container Gardening
The most appealing and aesthetic idea of gardening in small spaces is to grow different plants in a large container .The plants are arranged in a an artistic manner in a large container so that it brings an aesthetic aura to the spectator.
Raised bed Gardening
This is a concept of making a small patio garden in balconies and roofs mainly for the purpose of growing veggies and obtaining other harvest. A bed is structures using bricks, wood as per available and required space in a manner so that fresh veggies can be grown and obtained accordingly.
Tuesday, 12 January 2021
Cold and Dark days
This year began on a chilling note as it rained continuously which led to dark and foggy days for a week and when now the weather is clearing up some of the blooms are showing up
Chrysanthemums are one of the blooms that are adding color in spite of cold chilling weather
I am glad to notice the Bougainvillea blooming back after many days
First sight of Petunias in this year
Marigolds blooms are coming out slowly as weather is clearing up gradually
Meanwhile with the rise in the cases of Bird Flu in my region some of the Indian Mynas were spotted roaming over the park
And a Sunrise after days of Dark gloomy sky
Join us at Garden Affair for your gardening ,nature related posts every week.
Saturday, 9 January 2021
Garden Affair : Asiatic Lilies Blooms
The wait is over for the most sought after awaited Lily blooms every year .Asiatic Lilies are one of the most stunning Lilies that bloom in our region days before the spring outbreak. Although it is surprising to experience harsh winters this year still somehow Asiatic Lilies have managed to bloom at the time when Garden is devoid of blooms due to winters.
Asiatic Lily care
These lily are grown through bulbs which takes almost two months to come to blooms and blooms remain intact for a week or 10 days. They prefer sunny bright light conditions for growth and blooming .They need fertilization at the time of bud formation and did not prefer over watering conditions.
I have also grown Oriental lily bulbs which are still not in to the blooming stage.
It is the time for link up party garden Affair where you can share any information relating to Gardening and nature .
The LINK party Garden Affair will remain open from Saturday 9:30 P:M: till next Saturday 9:30 P:M:
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Marigold flower
Marigold flower is most widely grown flower in our region .It has significant religious and medicinal value in our region . It is one of the most hardy and easy to grow drought tolerant annual which can be grown throughout the year in our climate.
Saturday, 2 January 2021
Garden Affair : Winter annuals for shallow pots
Happy new year everyone. The year has started with spine chilling winter waves in our region presently which has led to fall in temperature in many areas in our region. It was just a day back that temperature was recorded lower than 30 F thereby it is still a long wait for spring annuals to bloom .Hereby in this post I will throw light upon some Winter annuals in our region which can be grown in shallow pots owing to there small roots.The flowering plants with small root formation can easily be grown in Shallow, small pots and it is due to less availability of space for growing winter or spring annuals these below plants can be easily grown in small balconies and spaces in small pots or hanging baskets.
Pansy is one of the most unique and rewarding winter annual which can easily be grown in shallow pots and hanging baskets as they have small roots .They are easiest plant to grow in any kind of pots and flower beds.
Cineraria Flower is one of the most attractive low maintenance plant that grows well in semi shaded areas .It can be easily grown in shallow pots and hanging baskets .
Petunias are best plants to grow in shallow pots and hanging baskets since they are quite hardy winter annuals which can be grown in small pots or flower beds as they adopt to every situation easily without affecting the blooms.
Alyssum is annual that is best suited to be grown as a border plant for other spring annuals and its fragrance that resembles warm honey is pleasing.They add so much beauty to the hanging pots and small flower beds.
Calendula also known as pot marigolds have shallow roots and look stunning when grown in profusion in a row or even in hanging baskets.
It is the time for link up party Garden Affair which is related to topics pertaining to Gardening ,growing plants or flowers.It invites everyone who want to share information, experience or photographs relating to nature.