I have always found bleeding heart vine one of the most unusual and highly appealing vine due to its uniquely shaped blossoms. Although there are many varieties of Bleeding heart vine this particular variety grows easily in our hot climatic region.
Your mind is a Garden, Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Garden Affair : Bleeding heart vine
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Lantana Care and Maintenance
Lantana is one of the most attractive perennial grown in our region . It is an easy to maintain plant that can be grown in hot climatic regions.Although there are many varieties of Lantana grown around the world in my collection these four varieties have been successfully grown over the years.
Lantana is an easy plant to grow and can be propagated through cuttings in spring and monsoon season in our region.It does not require too much water to grow and can tolerate drought conditions up to certain level which makes it a hardy plant to grow in those areas which observe long summer months.
Fertilizer and maintenace
It should be protected from frost conditions and saved from direct heatwaves condition in summer.It doesn't require much fertilizer and can be grown in poor soil best grown in porous well drained soil.
Meanwhile my visit to lake when I was lucky enough to click this scene
Spectacular sunrise
Saturday, 24 October 2020
Garden Affair : Yellow blooms in Autumn Garden
It has been evident from many years that my garden is generally filled with Flowers that are predominantly Yellow in color during the Autumn season every year .
(clock wise left to right: Purslane ,Cosmos,Marigold,Water Lily,Sunflower)
It is the time for link up party Garden Affair everyone who wants to share anything about Gardening pertaining to plants and flowers is most welcome to Join my link up party Garden Affair.
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Periwinkle plant care tips
Periwinkle is an easy to grow perennial for temperate region which do not observe below freezing point temperatures. While it is an easy to grow plant and can tolerate drought conditions it should be protected from direct sunlight in those region which observe heat wave conditions in hot summer days.
Meanwhile a visit to Deer Park after long time
Saturday, 17 October 2020
Garden Affair : Coral Jasmine
This month in our region starts with official beginning for the upcoming festivals for one month starting from the Navratra festival which is ode to the Goddess Durga that is celebrated for nine days.It is interesting to note this month also sees the blooms of Coral jasmine which is a night blooming Jasmine .
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Welcome to Autumn Garden
Autumn season can be felt in our region completely. Although this year was not that fortunate with respect to Rainfall still Autumn has arrived on time this year.
Morning Glory blooms are a welcoming change this time of year
(Upper row : Common Morning glory ,Beach Morning glory or Goat Foot's vine
Lower row: Elephant creeper ,Common morning glory)
It was surprising to see Goat Foot vine or Beach Morning glory blooming which I had grown from cutting this year in the monsoon season.
Ruellia Blooms are most rewarding ones in our hot climatic region
Aquatic plants blooming time
(Water Hyacinth and Water Lilies )
Lantanas attract butterflies and bees in to the garden
Four'O Clock is in its complete glory in the autumn season
Hibiscus have just started up showing the blooms
Jasmine varieties are seeing some last blooms in Autumn before winter sets in a month or so
(Crape Jasmine and Coral Jasmine )
Coral Jasmine or Parizad Flowers
It is interesting to know that coral Jasmine which has Hindu mythology significance blooms majorly for a period of two months in the whole year that too only at night time.
Summer Annuls are at the last stage of blooming
(Zinnia,Cosmos,Gomphrena )
I have realized that I have few of the blue and purple vines and shrubs blooming almost whole year
Clockwise ( Plumbago,Clitoria,Cluster vine)
These will be showing some more blooms until frigid temperature sets in completely
Clockwise(Yelloew Oleander,Knock out roses,Cypress vine,Pentas,Pink oleander)
An Indian Myna spotted feeding upon a prey on roof
The last year visit near a fort and spectacular sunset
I have started a link up party related to Gardening recently if you are interested to share your gardening experiences please join here at Garden Affair.
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Garden Affair : Fruit harvest
In this tough time when whole world is stuck in there homes due to lockdown it would be wise decision to start over growing organic stuff at the home. I had been growing vegetables and fruits in my home garden from many years now and the Harvest obtained gives me so much satisfaction and pleasure along with refreshing taste.
Growing Fruits at home is always rewarding when the fruits are Mangoes
Chinese Oranges
It is time for Link up party Garden Affair . It would be my pleasure if you share what organic stuff you are growing at your place in these days. The link up party will be open or everyone who wants to share their experiences with gardening and what are they growing in their space.