Monday, 31 August 2020

Propagation and growing cuttings of Houseplants

 This rainy season is perfect to multiply houseplants as there is enough moisture in the environment that helps in faster growth of the roots in the plant cuttings.

While it is also a fact that not every houseplant can be propagated though cutting but there are many plants that can easily propagate from a small stem cutting in any type of soil mixture 


                                                      Root developed in  Pothos cutting 


                  Jade is one of the most hardy houseplant that can be easily propagated through cutting 


                                             Dracena can also be grown easily with stem cutting


There are many houseplants such as Rhoeo Plant ,Snake Plant,Wandering jew Plant,Rubber Plant,Ficus plant,ZZ Plant and many others that can be easily propagated by their cuttings in the rainy season.

Tips for early rooting of cuttings

- Apply rooting hormone on the tips of cuttings for early development of root on cuttings;

- Remove all the leaves from cutting leaving some at the top of the stem cutting for successful rooting ;

- Keep cuttings in shaded areas for at least two weeks until new shoots develop on the stem;

- Take small and thin cuttings for successful propagation.

The rainy or spring  season is best suitable for propagation of cuttings.

Meanwhile a Portulaca cutting propagated few days back has come with its first bloom


An Indian Myna preventing itself from Rain beneath my  windowsill 

I wish someone take me back to the mountains and meadows                                         


Saturday, 29 August 2020

Garden Affair : Love for Caladiums

          Caladiums are one of the best foliage plants with attractive colorful leaves.They are quite easy to grow in our hot climate . Caladiums strive throughout the year with showing beautiful leaves and dry down only when colder months arrive in the year thereby leaving only tubers in the soil.




Here I invite everyone who want to participate in the link up party where you can share anything about Gardening and specifically about  growing plants and flowers .                                                           


Monday, 24 August 2020

Allamanda vine propagation and care

 This lovely vine with huge blooms is one of my all time favorites since it adapts in our hot environment easily and gives continuous blooms throughout the year leaving only  the most cold months of the year.

Although Allamanda blooms has no fragrance at all but its magical bountiful blooms can attract  anyone who is passing nearby the vine to stop for a moment and adore the beauty of blooms .It has mainly three colors Pink,Red and yellow .



It is quite hardy vine an can survive in extreme hot conditions too .It increases blooms when fed with organic manure once in a while preferably during spring time.                                                           

It can be easily propagated by taking a cutting from the vine and planting it in rainy season or spring season thereby whatever season is upcoming in the year.                                                                                    

Meanwhile a peacock was spotted on the roof  in neighbourhood


In my region people believe spotting peacock in monsoon is a good omen for rains.

Sky shot for Skywatch Friday

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Garden Affair : Home grown veggie

 There is no match to the taste of home grown veggies which is grown using  completely organic products .This is from my experience that any one can grow peppers and chilies by themselves easily in a small place and get year long harvest without laying much efforts as they are grown by self seeding themselves.


This link up party invites you to share your Garden experiences and activities.It will be open for a week starting from this Saturay till next Saturay .Please post a comment if you like so along with sharing your post.It would be my pleasure if you share about what food are you growing these days .

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Monsoon serendipity

 Monsoon rains are soothing for soul and miraculous for the garden with heavy rainfall in a single day breaking records of a decade  one of the Amaryllis variety  that usually comes up with bloom in spring has chosen monsoon season this year by  pleasantly surprising me   to come up with a bloom by this time of season.


Meanwhile a gloomy sky gives indication of another heavy downpour 


Saturday, 15 August 2020

Garden Affair : Link up party

 Its raining cats and dogs .It was a week back only when we were complaining about the lack of rain in this monsoon season and it was yesterday only when we saw  continuous heavy  rains for the whole day which almost felt like a flood situation in my city . 

Meanwhile my first seed grown cape gooseberry plant is finally bearing fruits which is an exhilarating experience for any gardener.


This link party invites you to share your garden experiences and activities  .It will be open for a week starting from Saturday till next Saturday.Please post a comment if you like so along with sharing your post .                                                                                                                                                               


Monday, 10 August 2020

Monsoon blooms in my garden

 This year monsoon rains seems derailed as after the passing of one whole  month of Monsoon season rains are now reviving in our region and with this transition weather has become euphoric .Flowering plants are bringing blooms back in to the garden.

                                                                  Queen Crape Myrtle

                                          Crape Jasmine  is all covered with blooms after Rains


                                             Rain of Gold Flowers are back  in blooms


Ruellia blooms 

Allamanda vine is back with the blooms

Roses are finally  flowering after break in summer

Summer snow Rose

Gomphrena is twinkling with its little blooms

Plumerias are outshining in the monsoon 

Rain Lily is enthralled with come back of Rains

A yellow necked pigeon spotted on streets

During this lockdown one place I missed badly was mountains

I have started a link up  party pertaining to Gardening activities if you are interested please join here at this link   for sharing your gardening images and experiences Linkup party : Garden Affair

Friday, 7 August 2020

Garden Affair : Roses are back in bloom

Hey Guys I am really excited  to announce about the new Link party that I am starting from today where we  will talk about happenings in the garden and everything pertaining to the  garden  you want to share like what you are  growing in your space which should be anything related with the  gardening .


This week started on a low note as my health was not in the good state and then I realized how much I love being with the plants  now after a day or two when I woke up with the tapping voice of Rain it give such a pleasurable zeal to be back in to my garden and inspect what all has happened there in my absence where I saw the blooms of my favorite Summer snow Rose are back in to the blooms.

This below is the link for link party to share your images related to anything  about your Garden happenings 


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