This year monsoon rains were truant for the most part of the season with exceptional humidity but still failed rains .Whereas Half of the july got some good downpour ,August didn't give drizzle .
Its fragrance can felt in entire garden at night time
Pretty Little Jatropha Flowers
Plant loved for its ability of folding leaves when touched holds beautiful blooms too
Mimosa Bush
Morning glory has been blooming from last three months
Most hardy annual Purslane in its full glory
Startling Crape Jasmine Blooms
With a month left for monsoon season to take a back seat ,we expect some good rains now breaking the persistence humid atmostphere.
But there is a silver lining in it,since plants grew best in cloudy humid weather and give multiple blooms .
Adeniums are definitely liking this weather
English and Miniature roses have made there comeback
Hibiscus are do enjoying monsoon
Hundreds of flowers on Blue plumbago
Why they call it weed ?
Butterfly weed
Most fragrant flower in my Garden
Night Blooming Jasmine
Its fragrance can felt in entire garden at night time
Rainy weather brings Rain Lily
Rain of Gold or Galphimia in full show
Mimosa Bush
Most hardy annual Purslane in its full glory
Startling Crape Jasmine Blooms
Happy Independence Day to all my Indian fellows

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For knowing what is blooming worldwide visit Garden bloggers bloom Day