Balsam,Zinnia,Gaillardias....after rain blossom

Indian balsam grows well in the rainy season ...although i have grown it first time of three different colours of which this is the one to bloom 1st ...waiting anticipately for the rest two........a very common name gulmehandi is also known for balsam.An attractive looking plant with spike leaves all over surrounded with flowers throughout the stem.
Beautiful zinnias on long stalk gives it an ability of being a cut flower.........above zinnia came as a surprise to me since i have not planted it ,infact it replanted itself from the last year ones probably that is what dispersion is. nature is always there to surprise u i think...

Gaillardias are the only flowers which can be grown throughout the year in my garden ...above yellow one is the new colour i have got through the seeds i have planted from one of them only...although this time i have sown double variety of gaillardia which are extensively used in garlands known as navranga(locally) mala.