Saturday 14 September 2019


Weather is most unpredictable topic to be assure about in the universe ,it never remains constant.It was only two months back we were roasted with hot summer heatwaves,not anymore since change is inevitable thereby situation has changed  ,dry state has been converted into wet and humid over the passage of two months with the onset of Monsoon.Thereby one should believe in the god and wait for him to rotate the   kaleidoscope of life to bring change for betterment.                                                                           

Zinnias in full glory

About to bloom

Mirabilis Jalpa or Four o' clock

Double Crape Jasmine

White Ruellia

Crinum 'Milk and Wine' Lily

Pink oleander

Yellow Lantana

Gomphrena or Globe Amaranthus

                                            When Life gives you lemon collect them


Peacock Flower or Barbados pride Plant 

Butterfly Pea flower

Green Hairstreak on Pentas

Cypress vine flowering 

Rain brings rain Lily

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  1. I love the imagery of the weather kaleidoscope spinning; ours is spinning towards colder weather and finally, ice and snow. I enjoy seeing the flowers that won't grow where I live. Some I remember from living in Florida, such as oleandar. Others, like frangipini, I don't think I've ever experienced. Alana

  2. It is amazing to me, Arun, that we have so many of the same plants although we are continents apart. But I don't have the butterfly pea flower -- such a wonderful blue! P x

  3. Beautiful specimens as always, Arun. I envy you the Plumeria/Fragipani - I've got a plant in a pot but it doesn't seem to want to bloom.

  4. Your Lantana looks almost exactly like mine. I bought it for half-price at the end of the season sale at the local nursery. It didn't look like it would live but now it is thriving. Next year, I must pay full price and be sure to have one since they are beautiful.

  5. Beautiful small blooms.

    <a href=">Worth a Thousand Words</a>

  6. Wonderful pictures of all your blooms. I especially loved the frangipani and the yellow Barbados. Beautiful!

  7. A beautiful variety of flowers and photos. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  8. How fun to see the pea flower! A friend gave me some dried flowers to make tea. What a gorgeous color to see in a tea cup. You have such beautiful flowers in your garden.

  9. Thank you for stopping by my corner of Katy, Arun! I love that your yellow rain lilies and mine are blooming at the same time, thousands of miles across the ocean!

  10. Fabulous shots! My fave is the Double Crape Jasmine.

  11. My, what a fabulous variety of color and different types of flowers! I can't wait until mine start to bloom :)

    I appreciate your link on 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  12. Your zinnias are beautiful and I always admire your Frangipini, which I cannot grow here. You have so many wonderful blooms in your garden for the month of September.

  13. Beautiful blooms. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Frangipini, mmmm, I can just smell its scent in my imagination. That's one flower I'd love to grow in mine. Our weather has gone crazy, too. We had several days of high heat followed by Fall coolness. We're told temps will increase again in a couple of days. We shall see.

  15. Gorgeous colors in these flowers. Nothing like the magic of Mother Nature. Thank you for linking up today!!!!!

  16. Lovely flowers and pics of them

    Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    M e l o d y (team ABC-W)

  17. Wonderful exotic blooms <3 Wishing you dryer weather! Greetings from Finland.

  18. So schöne Blüten, eine herrliche Bilderserie !
    My contribution...

  19. So many beautiful flowers! I enjoyed this post very much.

  20. Pretty blooms! I can't wait for summer in my world!

    My Corner of the World

  21. How cheerful! That crinum is so admirable.

  22. Visit:
